This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 `<script setup>` SFCs, check out the [script setup docs](https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#sfc-script-setup) to learn more.
Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite + Storybook
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup>
SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more.
Recommended IDE Setup
Type Support For .vue
Imports in TS
Since TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue
imports, they are shimmed to be a generic Vue component type by default. In most cases this is fine if you don't really care about component prop types outside of templates. However, if you wish to get actual prop types in .vue
imports (for example to get props validation when using manual h(...)
calls), you can enable Volar's Take Over mode by following these steps:
Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions
from VS Code's command palette, look forTypeScript and JavaScript Language Features
, then right click and selectDisable (Workspace)
. By default, Take Over mode will enable itself if the default TypeScript extension is disabled.Reload the VS Code window by running
Developer: Reload Window
from the command palette.
You can learn more about Take Over mode here.
VueCA is a basic component and functions library to be mostly compatible with Viva con Aguas Base-Frontend-Template
Custom Tables & Pagination
The template supports a pagination composable for usage with the build in component <CustomTable>
Usage of pagination
In <script setup>
you can create your pagination and set it up
- Initialize pagination and set data
// Import usePagination from vueca and init pagination in the component
import { usePagination } from '@vivaconagua/vueca';
const pagination = usePagination();
// 1. Local data source: Import your data array in the component
import data from '@/data/example.json';
// 2. external data source: Import store and read data in the view
import { useExampleStore } from '@/stores/ExampleStore';
const store = useExampleStore();
// 2.1 Data is shown in the component
import { useExampleStore } from '@/stores/ExampleStore';
const store = useExampleStore();
() => store.list,
(val, nVal) => {
{ deep: true }
- Define search and filter Pagination supports filtering and searching in the table, therefore you need to define on which fields the search and filters should apply.
2.1. Define check for empty search and possible filtering to check if anything need to be applied
const emptyFilter = computed(() => {
return pagination.state.search == '' &&
pagination.state.filter.roleList.length == 0;
2.2. Define filter function to define, how the filters should be applied
pagination.state.filterCallback = (value, index) => {
// If the filter is empty, everything is fine
if (emptyFilter.value) {
return true;
// Apply defined filter (e.g. find array of strings in array of strings
if (pagination.state.filter.roleList.length > 0 &&
(!value.roles || !value.roles.find((el) => pagination.state.filter.roleList.includes(el)))) {
return false;
// Filter for the current value of row.name etc.
return value.name?.toLowerCase().indexOf(pagination.state.search.toLowerCase()) > -1;
2.3. Apply default filter
pagination.filter({ roleList: [] });
Usage of CustomTable with pagination
To use the pagination in the component, the pagination must be applied to da CustomTable
component. You therefore define the slots colspan
(slot embedded in colgroup), desktop-filter
(slot embedded in div), desktop-header
(slot embedded in td), desktop-content
(slot embedded in tbody), mobile-filter
(slot embedded in tr), mobile-header
(slot embedded in div) andmobile-content
(slot embedded in tbody)
Defining desktop table
<CustomTable :pagination="pagination" :colspan="2", :labels="labels">
<template v-slot:colspan>
<col width="10%" />
<col width="90%" />
<template v-slot:desktop-filter>
<Checkbox id="admin" label="Administrator" v-model="pagination.state.filter.roleList"/>
<Checkbox id="employee" label="Employee" v-model="pagination.state.filter.roleList"/>
<template v-slot:desktop-header>
<th class="CustomTable__cell sortable" @click="pagination.sort('firstName')">
<label> Firstname ↕</label>
<th class="CustomTable__cell sortable" @click="pagination.sort('lastName')">
<label> Lastame ↕</label>
<th class="CustomTable__cell">
<template v-slot:desktop-content>
<tr class="CustomTable__row" v-for="(res, index) in pagination.getFilteredList()" :key="index">
<td class="CustomTable__cell"><label> {{ res.firstName }} </label></td>
<td class="CustomTable__cell"><label> {{ res.lastName }} </label></td>
<td class="CustomTable__cell"><label> {{ res.roles }} </label></td>
Defining mobile table
[<CustomTable :pagination="pagination" :colspan="2", :labels="labels"> ....]
<template v-slot:mobile-filter>
<Checkbox label="admin" id="admin" v-model="pagination.state.filter.roleList"/>
<Checkbox label="employee" id="employee" v-model="pagination.state.filter.roleList"/>
<template v-slot:mobile-header>
<div class="align-left sortable" @click="pagination.sort('firstName')">First name</div>
<div class="align-right sortable" @click="pagination.sort('lastName')">Last name</div>
<template v-slot:mobile-content>
<tr class="CustomTable__row" v-for="(res, index) in pagination.getFilteredList()" :key="index">
<td class="vca-table-cell">
<div class="align-left CustomTable__index"><span class="bold">{{ res.firstName }}</span></div>
<div class="align-right CustomTable__index">{{ res.lastName }}</div>
<div class="align-left" v-if="res.roles"> {{ res.roles.join(', ') }} </div>
Labels of the table
The prop labels
of the CustomTable needs to be filled for labelling.
labels: {
search: 'Search for name',
page_no_results: 'No results',
page_label: 'Page',
page_size: 'Per page',
page_first: 'Show first',
page_prev: 'Show previous',
page_next: 'Show next',
page_last: 'Show last',
Best practices
You can call the pagination.sort(cell: string)
function to sort your list. It takes the the name of the field as a parameter which should be sorted at. You can also give the name of nested parameter, e.g. pagination.sort('profile.address.country')
Apply translastions in filterCallback
You can add additional information or manipulate data in the filterCallback and then access it in the table. E.g.
pagination.state.filterCallback = (value, index) => {
value.myIndex = index;
value.translated = t(value.untranslated);
value.short = value.long.substring(0, 100);
// ...
Payment Elements (Stripe / Paypal)
You can use the integrated payment elements <StripePayment>
and <PaypalButton>
when you have some API that can handle and secure the payment process: https://github.com/Viva-con-Agua/donation-backend
The elements will handle requests to the backend to automatically create payments and then purchase those payments with the corresponding payment provider.
Currently implemented are somponents for Stripe IBAN, Stripe CreditCard and Paypal. You can trigger one time payments as well as subscriptions.
Setting up the environment for development
Storybook needs some variables for testing the payment elements.
Usage of payment elements
You can just import the element and use it with the required props
Component: StripePayment
<script setup>
import SepaElement from '@vivaconagua/vueca';
<StripePayment v-bind="args" />
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| stripeKey | Stripe public key | string
| true
| - |
| billingDetails | Object containing email:string
and name:string
| PaymentBillingDetails
| true
| - |
| url | URL of the payment backend | string
| true
| - |
| paymentDetails | Object containing informations about the payment and the customer: money:Amount
, contact:PaymentCreateContact
, donation_form_id:string
, country:string
, publish:string
| PaymentCreate
| true
| - |
| name | Name of the paymenttype defined to use in the Backend API | PaymentNameEnum
| true
| - |
| productId | ID Of the stripe product | string
| false
| ''
| subscription | Subscription (true) or single payment (false) | boolean
| false
| false
| cycles | Number of default cycles until the subscription automatically ends | number
| false
| 0
| interval | Interval of the subscription (PaymentIntervalEnum.ANNUAL
, PaymentIntervalEnum.MONTHLY
) | PaymentIntervalEnum
| false
| PaymentIntervalEnum.ANNUAL
| type | Type of the payment element from stripe (PaymentStripeEnum.IBAN
, PaymentStripeEnum.CARD
) | PaymentStripeEnum
| false
| PaymmentStripeEnum.IBAN
| terms | Object containing informations about the terms. If defined, the checkbox beneath the Stripe element will appear and needs to be checked to process with the payment. Therefore the object needs value:boolean
, label:string
, errorMsg:string
| DefaultTerms
| false
| undefined
| locale | Locale which should be used as default for e.g. placeholder in the iban field | StripePaymentLocale
| false
| 'de-DE'
| disabled | Whether element is diasbled or | boolean
| false
| false
| rules | Vuelidate rules that should be applied | Validation
| false
| null
| class | Additional classes | string
| false
| ''
| label | Label for the field | string
| false
| ''
| errorMsg | Error message that should be shown when data is invalid | string
| false
| ''
| staticLabel | Show label as static label (true) or as top label (false) | boolean
| false
| ''
| Event | Description | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | success | Fires when payment or subscription is successfully processed | | error | Fires when a payment or subscription could not be processed | | terms | fires when terms checkbox changes its value | | valid | fires whenever an element gets validated and all validations are fine | | invalid | fires whenever an element gets validated and not all validations are fine |
validate = async () => void
// Emits valid
or invalid
purchase = async () => void
// Emits success
or error
// Holds information about the payment if needed
Component: PaypalButton
<script setup>
import PaypalButton from '@vivaconagua/vueca';
<PaypalButton v-bind="args" />
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| paypalKey | Paypal client id | string
| true
| - |
| billingDetails | Object containing email:string
and name:string
| PaymentBillingDetails
| true
| - |
| url | URL of the payment backend | string
| true
| - |
| paymentDetails | Object containing informations about the payment and the customer: money:Amount
, contact:PaymentCreateContact
, donation_form_id:string
, country:string
, publish:string
| PaymentCreate
| true
| - |
| client | Client credentials for paypal | PaypalClient
| true
| - |
| name | Name of the paymenttype defined to use in the Backend API | PaymentNameEnum
| false
| PaymentNamesEnum.PAYPAL
| productId | ID Of the paypal product | string
| false
| ''
| subscription | Subscription (true) or single payment (false) | boolean
| false
| false
| cycles | Number of default cycles until the subscription automatically ends | number
| false
| 0
| interval | Interval of the subscription (PaymentIntervalEnum.ANNUAL
, PaymentIntervalEnum.MONTHLY
) | PaymentIntervalEnum
| false
| PaymentIntervalEnum.ANNUAL
| locale | Locale which should be used as default for e.g. placeholder in the iban field | string
| false
| 'de_DE'
| disabled | Whether element is diasbled or | boolean
| false
| false
| class | Additional classes | string
| false
| ''
| label | Label for the field | string
| false
| ''
| errorMsg | Error message that should be shown when data is invalid | string
| false
| ''
| staticLabel | Show label as static label (true) or as top label (false) | boolean
| false
| ''
| Event | Description | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | success | Fires when payment or subscription is successfully processed | | error | Fires when a payment or subscription could not be processed | | cancel | fires when the user cancels the process | | valid | fires whenever user starts the process and | | invalid | fires whenever user starts the process and button is disabled |
// Holds information about the payment if needed
Full example
<StripePayment ref="ibanElement" v-bind="ibanPayment" />
<StripePayment ref="cardElement" v-bind="cardPayment" />
<button @click="purchase">Checkout</button>
<PaypalButton ref="paypalElement" v-bind="paypalPayment" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { PaymentNamesEnum, PaymentStripeEnum } from '@types/vivaconagua/vueca';
import { StripePayment, PaypalButton } from '@vivaconagua/vueca';
const paymentType = ref('paypal');
const ibanElement = ref();
const cardElement = ref();
const paypalElement = ref();
const purchase = async () => {
switch (paymentType.value) {
case PaymentNamesEnum.CARD:
case PaymentNamesEnum.SEPA:
const sepaValid = await ibanElement.value.validate();
if (sepaValid) {
case PaymentNamesEnum.PAYPAL:
// Example data for a payment
const paymentDetails = reactive({
money: {
amount: 1000,
currency: 'EUR',
contact: {
first_name: 'UserFirst',
last_name: 'UserLast',
email: '[email protected]',
country: 'DE',
donation_form_id: '',
publish: 'false',
// Example data for billing
const billingDetails = reactive({
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'UserFirst UserLast',
// Example data for payment elements
const terms = {
label: 'Bitte bestätige',
const cardPayment = {
stripeKey: '',
name: PaymentNamesEnum.CARD,
type: PaymentStripeEnum.CARD,
const ibanPayment = {
stripeKey: '',
name: PaymentNamesEnum.SEPA,
type: PaymentStripeEnum.IBAN,
const paypalPayment = {
paypalKey: '',
client: {
credentials: {
sandbox: '',
name: PaymentNamesEnum.PAYPAL,