## develop install npx: npm install -g npx
install npx: npm install -g npx
unit test set up
should copy all the domains file into vitalservice/domains, domains files are only use for testing. will not be compiled and published to npm. use command: npm run test
use command: npm run build
publish to npm // should update the package version every time we publish a package.
use command: npm publish
npm install @vital-ai/haley-group-instance
- under all sections (not insider row), there could only be one answer with answerType.
- under one row, answer with a specific answerType is uniq.
- under a group, there could only be one Row with a specific rowType.
// creating instances objects
signature: createQaInstanceObjects(qaObjects: GraphObject[], withRow=false, option: CreateQaInstancesOption={});
withRow = false, means the created Instances will not includes rowInstance and any questionInstance under it.
option = { groupInstance } will passed in the groupInstance and it will stop the method from creating a new one.
const groupAPI = new GroupAPI(vitaljs, logger);
const qaInstanceObjects = groupAPI.createQaInstanceObjects(qaObjects);
// setting value by answerType
const answerType = 'http://vital.ai/haley.ai/harbor-saas/HaleyAnswerType/NamedInsured_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress';
groupAPI.setValueByAnswerType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, answerType, '[email protected]');
// getting value by answerType
const answerType = 'http://vital.ai/haley.ai/harbor-saas/HaleyAnswerType/NamedInsured_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress';
const value = groupAPI.getValueByAnswerType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, answerType);
// setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRow
const rowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Policy';
const answerType = 'http://vital.ai/haley.ai/harbor-saas/HaleyAnswerType/NamedInsured_Contact_PrimaryEmailAddress';
const rowInstanceCounter = 'AB'; // the second instance of rowType
const value = '[email protected]';
groupAPI.setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRow(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowInstanceCounter, rowType, answerType, value)
// getValueByAnswerTypeInsideRow
const value = groupAPI.setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRow(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowInstanceCounter, rowType, answerType, value);
// setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRowRow
const rowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Policy';
const rowRowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Location';
const answerType = 'http://vital.ai/haley.ai/harbor-saas/HaleyAnswerType/NamedInsured_Street_1';
const rowInstanceCounter = 'AB'; // the second instance of rowType
const rowRowInstanceCounter = 'AA';
const value = '540 Grand street';
groupAPI.setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRowRow(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowInstanceCounter, rowType, rowRowInstanceCounter, rowRowType, answerType, value)
// getValueByAnswerTypeInsideRowRow
const value = groupAPI.setValueByAnswerTypeInsideRowRow(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowInstanceCounter, rowType, rowRowInstanceCounter, rowRowType, answerType);
// getRowInstanceCountersByRowType
const rowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Policy';
const counters = groupAPI.getRowInstanceCountersByRowType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI); // ['AA', 'AB', 'AC', ...];
// getRowRowInstanceCountersByRowRowType
const rowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Policy';
const rowRowTypeURI = 'http://vital.ai/ontology/haley-ai-question#RowType_Harbor_Location';
const rowInstanceCounter = 'AB'; // the second instance of rowType
const counters = groupAPI.getRowRowInstanceCountersByRowRowType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter, rowRowTypeURI); // ['AA', 'AB', 'AC', ...];
// created Row instance qa objects
// argument rowInstanceCounter will be optional, if not provided, it will incremented as 'AA', 'AB', .... 'ZZ'.
const createdInstances = groupAPI.createRowQaInstancesByRowType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter);
qaInstanceObjects = [...qaInstanceObjects, ...createdInstances];
// addRowQaInstancesByRowType directly update to qaInstanceObjects;
// argument rowInstanceCounter will be optional, if not provided, it will incremented as 'AA', 'AB', .... 'ZZ'.
groupAPI.addRowQaInstancesByRowType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter);
// removeRowQaInstancesByRowTypeAndInstanceCounter
const updatedQaInstanceObjects = groupAPI.removeRowQaInstancesByRowTypeAndInstanceCounter(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter);
// addRowRowQaInstancesByRowType directly update to qaInstanceObjects;
// argument rowRowInstanceCounter will be optional, if not provided, it will incremented as 'AA', 'AB', .... 'ZZ'.
groupAPI.addRowRowQaInstancesByRowType(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter, rowRowTypeURI, rowRowInstanceCounter);
const updatedQaInstanceObjects = groupAPI.removeRowRowQaInstancesByRowTypeAndInstanceCounter(qaObjects, qaInstanceObjects, rowTypeURI, rowInstanceCounter, rowRowTypeURI, rowRowInstanceCounter);
// get all rowTypes under sections.
const rowTypes: string[] = groupAPI.getRowTypes(qaObjects);
// get all rowTypes under row (with rowType).
const rowTypes: string[] = groupAPI. getRowTypesInRow(qaObjects, rowType);
Split api
const graph: SplitGraph = groupAPI.splitGroupAndInstances(mixGroupGraphAndGroupInstanceGraphObjects GraphObject[]);
interface SplitGraph {
groupGraphContainerList: GroupGraphContainer[],
instanceGraphContainerList: GroupInstanceGraphContainer[],
generalGraphObjects: GeneralGraphContainer,
interface GroupGraphContainer {
type: 'GroupGraph'
isCompete: boolean // indicating the graph is complete or not
incompleteMessages: string[] // indicating what objects are missing in the graph
all: obj[] // all objects
group: obj // the group object
groupURI: string // the uri of the group object
getObjectByURI: (uri: string) => obj | null // method to get the obj by uri;
getObjectsByType: (type: string) => obj[] // method to get all the objects with provided type in the container
has: (uri: string) => boolean // method to detect whether the container has the obj with uri
interface GroupInstanceGraphContainer {
type: 'GroupInstanceGraph'
isCompete: boolean // indicating the graph is complete or not
incompleteMessages: string[] // indicating what objects are missing in the graph
all: obj[] // all objects
groupInstance: obj // the groupInstance object
groupInstanceURI: string // the uri of the groupInstance object
groupURI: string // the uri of the group object
getObjectByURI: (uri: string) => obj | null // method to get the obj by uri;
getObjectsByType: (type: string) => obj[] // method to get all the objects with provided type in the container
has: (uri: string) => boolean // method to detect whether the container has the obj with uri
interface GeneralGraphContainer {
type: 'GeneralGraph'
all: obj[] // all objects
getObjectByURI: (uri: string) => obj | null // method to get the obj by uri;
getObjectsByType: (type: string) => obj[] // method to get all the objects with provided type in the container
has: (uri: string) => boolean // method to detect whether the container has the obj with uri