vf-tabs component
Tabs component
The ever-useful tabs. This component works best with the included JS, but you can use the CSS styling on other tab implementations, like Bootstrap tabs.
These tabs have been made with accessibility in mind, however tabs should be avoided where content structure avoids the need to use tabs.
Nested tabs are also possible, as demonstrated in the example, however this provides further usability challenges and should be strongly avoided.
As of version 2.1.5 vf-tabs has experimental Angular support. This package was generated with Angular version 15.2.0 and has been tested on application with Angular version 15.2.0.
- Install
yarn add @visual-framework/vf-tabs
- Import in your app.module
import { VfTabsAngularModule } from '@visual-framework/vf-tabs/vf-tabs.angular'; @NgModule({ imports: [VfTabsAngularModule, YourOtherModules], ... })
- Can be used as
<vf-tabs [tabsdata]="tabsdata"></vf-tabs>
Here tabsdata
can be declared in app.component.ts as below -
public tabsdata = [
{ tab_title: `Section` },
{ tab_number: 58 },
{ tab_heading: `Section 1` },
{ tab_content: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam euismod, tortor nec pharetra ultricies, ante erat imperdiet velit, nec laoreet enim lacus a velit. <a class='vf-link' href='#'>Nam luctus</a>, enim in interdum condimentum, nisl diam iaculis lorem, vel volutpat mi leo sit amet lectus. Praesent non odio bibendum magna bibendum accumsan.` }
{ tab_title: `A Short Section` },
{ tab_number: 546 },
{ tab_heading: `Section 2` },
{ tab_content: `Nullam at diam nec arcu suscipit auctor non a erat. Sed et magna semper, eleifend magna non, facilisis nisl. Proin et est et lorem dictum finibus ut nec turpis. Aenean nisi tortor, euismod a mauris a, mattis scelerisque tortor. Sed dolor risus, varius a nibh id, condimentum lacinia est. In lacinia cursus odio a aliquam. Curabitur tortor magna, laoreet ut rhoncus at, sodales consequat tellus.` }
{ tab_title: `A Rather Long Section` },
{ tab_number: 878 },
{ tab_heading: `Section 3` },
{ tab_content: `Phasellus ac tristique orci. Nulla maximus <a class='vf-link' href='#'>justo nec dignissim consequat</a>. Sed vehicula diam sit amet mi efficitur vehicula in in nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse lorem turpis, accumsan consequat consectetur gravida, <a class='vf-link' href='#'>pellentesque ac ante</a>. Aliquam in commodo ligula, sit amet mollis neque. Vestibulum at facilisis massa.` }
{ tab_title: `Nested Tabs` },
{ tab_number: 8793456 },
{ tab_heading: `Section 4` },
{ tab_content: `
<div class="vf-tabs">
<ul class="vf-tabs__list" data-vf-js-tabs>
<li class="vf-tabs__item">
<a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section-nested--234548">Nested tab 1</a>
<li class="vf-tabs__item">
<a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section-nested--29974">Nested tab 2</a>
<div class="vf-tabs-content" data-vf-js-tabs-content>
<section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section-nested--234548">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam euismod, tortor nec pharetra ultricies, ante erat imperdiet velit, nec laoreet enim lacus a velit. <a href="#">Nam luctus</a>, enim in interdum condimentum, nisl diam iaculis lorem, vel volutpat mi leo sit amet lectus. Praesent non odio bibendum magna bibendum accumsan.</p>
<section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section-nested--29974">
<p>Nullam at diam nec arcu suscipit auctor non a erat. Sed et magna semper, eleifend magna non, facilisis nisl. Proin et est et lorem dictum finibus ut nec turpis. Aenean nisi tortor, euismod a mauris a, mattis scelerisque tortor. Sed dolor risus, varius a nibh id, condimentum lacinia est. In lacinia cursus odio a aliquam. Curabitur tortor magna, laoreet ut rhoncus at, sodales consequat tellus.</p>
{tab_title: `A fifth section`},
{tab_number: 545541},
{tab_heading: `Section 5`},
{tab_content: `Phasellus ac tristique orci. Nulla maximus <a class="vf-link" href="#">justo nec dignissim consequat</a>. Sed vehicula diam sit amet mi efficitur vehicula in in nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse lorem turpis, accumsan consequat consectetur gravida, <a class="vf-link" href="#">pellentesque ac ante</a>. Aliquam in commodo ligula, sit amet mollis neque. Vestibulum at facilisis massa.`}
{tab_title: `A sixth section`},
{tab_number: 621211},
{tab_heading: `Section 6`},
{tab_content: `Phasellus ac tristique orci. Nulla maximus <a class="vf-link" href="#">justo nec dignissim consequat</a>. Sed vehicula diam sit amet mi efficitur vehicula in in nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse lorem turpis, accumsan consequat consectetur gravida, <a class="vf-link" href="#">pellentesque ac ante</a>. Aliquam in commodo ligula, sit amet mollis neque. Vestibulum at facilisis massa.`}
{ tab_title: `Section` },
{ tab_number: 99999 },
{ tab_heading: `Default` },
{ tab_content: `An <a href="/#vf-tabs__section--88888">example deep link</a> loading this anchor will directly activate the neighbouring tab. <code>/vf-tabs#vf-tabs__section--88888</code>` }
{ tab_title: `A Short Section` },
{ tab_number: 88888 },
{ tab_heading: `Deep-linked tab` },
{ tab_content: `If you see me on page load, the deep link has worked.` }
CSS to be added to your styles.scss
@import '../node_modules/@visual-framework/vf-sass-config/index.scss'; @import '../node_modules/@visual-framework/vf-tabs/vf-tabs.scss';
you should also install vf-sass-starter for the styles
Javascript file:
- Copy the vf-tabs.js (from Assets section below) to your src/assets/vf-tabs folder.
- Comment or remove the last line "export { vfTabs };" in this copied file.
- In the angular.json inside "scripts": [] add the above file reference like - "scripts": [ "src/assets/vf-tabs/vf-tabs.js" ]
- Rerun the project if already running.
<vf-tabs [tabsdata]="tabsdata"></vf-tabs>
As of version 2.1.6 vf-tabs has experimental React support which has been tested on react version 18.2.0
- install
yarn add @visual-framework/vf-tabs
- import in the JS file where you want to include this component
import VfTabs from '@visual-framework/vf-tabs/vf-tabs.react'; Make sure you have the jsx support enabled with babel. Alternatively, you can also copy the vf-tabs.react.js file from below to your react project and import as per the location.
- can be used as
<VfTabs {...tabsData}/> Here `tabsdata` can be declared just like above ( Angular section ).
- add beloow to your CSS file
you should also install and import vf-sass-starter for the styles@import '~@visual-framework/vf-sass-config/index.scss'; @import '~@visual-framework/vf-tabs/vf-tabs.scss';
<VfTabs {...tabsData}/>
Deep linking
A tab can be activated on page load by passing it on the link #vf-tabs__section-tab_id
This is the default behaviour and can be deactivated when invoking vfTabs:
// vfTabs(scope, activateDeepLinkOnLoad)
vfTabs(document, false);
Note: The deep linking feature is not designed with vf-location-nearest
compatibility. A vf-location-nearest
tab may not respect a deep linked hash url.
This component is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install the vf-tabs
with this command.
$ yarn add --dev @visual-framework/vf-tabs
The source files included are written in Sass(scss
). You can point your Sass include-path
at your node_modules
directory and import it like this.
@import "@visual-framework/vf-tabs/index.scss";
Make sure you import Sass requirements along with the modules. You can use a project boilerplate or the vf-sass-starter