example package
Example package
This is an example package published to the public NPM repository. It is for educational purposes only.
You can add this as a dependency if you wish
npm install @visma-connect-by/example
Add the package to your project.
import example from "@visma-connect-bv/example"
Use it by calling the function in your code.
The message "example package loaded" will appear in your console log.
There is an example for browsers that support JavaScript modules.
Some useful tips and tricks for development.
testing the code
In this package an example.html can be used to verify the working of the code.
testing the package
You can create a symbolic link in the global NPM folder for this folder.
npm link
Enter another NPM project where you want to use this package. Link the package into that node_modules folder.
npm link @visma-connect-bv/example
Now you can use the package like any other package.
publish the package
This package is published with user "visma-connect-bv" on the public NPM repository. Login at the commandline.
npm login
Verify if your project is indeed ready to be published. If so, you can publish a scoped private package with a simple command if you signed up to be able to use that.
npm publish
To publish a scoped public package add a parameter.
npm publish --access public
The package can now be found at https://www.npmjs.com/package/@visma-connect-bv/example for public use.
As a good security practice you should log out again :-)
npm logout
Happy coding!