Collection of visa charts
This packages bundles visa chart components web components into a single build.
Installation Steps
- Using npm
$ npm i @visa/charts
- Using yarn
$ yarn add @visa/charts
Components with Ready
status in this bundle
- @visa/bar-chart
- @visa/clustered-bar-chart
- @visa/stacked-bar-chart
- @visa/line-chart
- @visa/pie-chart
- @visa/scatter-plot
- @visa/heat-map
- @visa/circle-packing
- @visa/parallel-plot
- @visa/dumbbell-plot
- @visa/world-map
- @visa/alluvial-diagram
- @visa/visa-charts-data-table
- @visa/keyboard-instructions
# How to use the @visa/charts web component bundle in different environments
Walk throughs included below:
# Web component in javascript ^
Step 1: Install yarn add @visa/charts
Step 2: Mount components to the window
// in your index.html
<script src="./node_modules/@visa/charts/dist/charts.js"></script>
// or if you take advantage of ES modules, you can use below:
import { defineCustomElements } from '@visa/charts/dist/loader';
Step 3 (Optional): Build a function for dynamic prop assignment
// this function is optional, it makes assigning props easier and dynamic
function assignChartProps(chart, props) {
Object.keys(props).forEach(prop => {
chart[prop] = props[prop];
// example props object
var props = {
data: [
{ month: 'Apr 17', value: 1407543 },
{ month: 'May 17', value: 6042320 },
{ month: 'Jun 17', value: 3234002 },
{ month: 'Jul 17', value: 2221233 },
{ month: 'Aug 17', value: 4476321 },
{ month: 'Sep 17', value: 3789221 },
{ month: 'Oct 17', value: 6543535 },
{ month: 'Nov 17', value: 7457432 },
{ month: 'Dec 17', value: 2636346 },
{ month: 'Jan 18', value: 2340000 },
{ month: 'Feb 18', value: 3202340 },
{ month: 'Mar 18', value: 8503536 }
valueAccessor: 'value',
ordinalAccessor: 'month'
Step 4: Leverage the components using the pattern/method of your choice
// in your JS file
// vanilla method
const barChart = document.getElementById('bar-chart');
assignChartProps(barChart, props); // custom function from Step 3
// templating method
const chartTemplate = document.getElementById('bar-chart-template').content;
const templateBarChart = chartTemplate.firstElementChild;
assignChartProps(templateBarChart, props); // custom function from Step 3
// jquery method
const jqueryBarChart = $('#bar-chart')[0];
assignChartProps(jqueryBarChart, props); // custom function from Step 3
<!-- in your HTML file -->
<!-- Vanilla Element -->
<bar-chart id="bar-chart" />
<!-- Vanilla Template -->
<template id="bar-chart-template">
<bar-chart />
# Web component in react ^
Step 1: Install yarn add @visa/charts
Step 2: Mount the custom web components to the window
// in your index.js or some other high level component
import { defineCustomElements as defineChartLib } from '@visa/charts/dist/loader';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Step 3: Add the required util to your project for passing props
// we usually put this in our src/utils folder and export it
export function wc(customEvents = {}, props = {}) {
let storedEl;
return function(el) {
Object.entries(customEvents).forEach(([name, value]) => {
// If we have an element then add event listeners
// otherwise remove the event listener
const action = el ? el.addEventListener : storedEl.removeEventListener;
if (typeof value === 'function') {
action(name, value);
// If we have an element then set props
if (el) {
Object.entries(props).forEach(([name, value]) => {
el[name] = value;
storedEl = el;
Step 4: Leverage the web components directly in React
// we usually create a local component within our project
// note: you can also apply step 2 directly within the local component if you choose
import React from 'react';
import { wc } from '../utils/wc'; // eslint-disable-line spellcheck/spell-checker
import { defineCustomElements as defineChartLib, applyPolyfills } from '@visa/charts/dist/loader'; // remove this line if you did step 2
* BarChart
class BarChart extends React.Component {
* ensure that the chart components required are available in the window
// remove this stuff if you did step 2
componentWillMount() {
if (!(window.customElements || {}).get('bar-chart')) {
// if you need stencil's polyfills
applyPolyfills().then(() => defineChartLib(window));
// or, if you don't need polyfill
// defineChartLib(window);
* @returns {child} the stencil data visualization component
render() {
return <bar-chart ref={wc({}, { ...this.props })} />;
BarChart.defaultProps = {};
export default BarChart;
# Web component in angular ^
Step 1: Install yarn add @visa/charts
Step 2: Mount the custom web components to the window
// in main.ts of project or any appropriate .ts file (ideally this only should be called once, during bootstrapping)
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
// ...
import { defineCustomElements, applyPolyfills } from '@visa/charts/dist/loader';
if (environment.production) {
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// if you need stencil's polyfills
applyPolyfills().then(() => defineCustomElements(window));
// or, if you don't need polyfill
// defineCustomElements(window);
Step 3: Add the required schema to your project for using custom web components
// in a module.ts that includes any components
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
// ...
imports: [],
// ...
// ...
Step 4: Leverage the web components directly in Angular
// in component.ts
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
// the following import only needs to be called if this was
// not done in the earlier bootstrapping step
import { defineCustomElements } from '@visa/charts/dist/loader';
selector: 'bar-chart',
templateUrl: './bar-chart.component.html'
export class BarChartComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
// we will only pass a single object, with all props as properties
props = {
ordinalAccessor: 'month',
valueAccessor: 'value',
data: [
{ month: 'Apr 17', value: 1407543 },
{ month: 'May 17', value: 6042320 },
{ month: 'Jun 17', value: 3234002 },
{ month: 'Jul 17', value: 2221233 },
{ month: 'Aug 17', value: 4476321 },
{ month: 'Sep 17', value: 3789221 },
{ month: 'Oct 17', value: 6543535 },
{ month: 'Nov 17', value: 7457432 },
{ month: 'Dec 17', value: 2636346 },
{ month: 'Jan 18', value: 2340000 },
{ month: 'Feb 18', value: 3202340 },
{ month: 'Mar 18', value: 8503536 }
@ViewChild('chart') chart: ElementRef;
constructor() {
// the following binding to the window only needs to be called
// if this was not done in the earlier bootstrapping step
ngOnInit() {
// our components watch for state change, so this simply binds the properties
Object.keys(this.props).forEach(key => {
this.chart.nativeElement[key] = this.props[key];
ngOnChanges() {
// if props change, we reassign properties to trigger internal state change
Object.keys(this.props).forEach(key => {
this.chart.nativeElement[key] = this.props[key];
<!-- in component.html -->
<bar-chart #chart [props]="props"> </bar-chart>