A simple yet powerful expression language written in JavaScript
SwanJS is an expression language that runs in any JavaScript environment.
swan = require('swan-js'); // load the library
evaluate = swan.parse( "3 * x" ); // compile an expression
context = swan.createContext({x:10}); // create an expression context
value = await evaluate(context); // evaluate expression in context: 30
You can install SwanJS via npm:
npm install @onlabsorg/swan-js
A Swan expression is simply a sequence of binary operations (operand operator operand operator operand ...), eventually grouped with parentheses (...), square braces [...] or curly braces {...}.
The available binary operations are:
- Arithmetic operations:
x + y
,x - y
,x * y
,x / y
,x % y
,x ^ y
- Comparison operations:
x == y
,x != y
,x > y
,x >= y
,x < y
,x <= y
- Logic operations:
x & y
,x | y
- Conditional and alternative operations:
x ? y
,x ; y
, or combinedx ? y ; z
- Pairing operation:
x , y
- Application (function call):
x y
- Function definition:
x -> y
- Composition operations:
g << f
,f >> g
- Mapping operation:
x => f
- Assignment operations:
name = x
,name: x
- Sub-contexting operation:
The types of grouping available are:
- Parentheses to alter evaluation precedence:
- Square braces to create lists:
[x1, x2, x3, ...]
- Curly braces to create namespaces:
{n1:v1, n2=v2, n3:v3, ...}
The data types defined in swan are:
- Nothing, or empty tuple:
- Bool:
- Numb:
- Text:
- List:
[a, b, c, ...]
- Namespace:
{n1:v1, n2=v2, n3=v3, ...}
- Func:
names -> expression
- Undefined:
undefined(operationName, operands)
- Tuple:
x1, x2, x3, ...
Besides these operations, Swan defines also some essential builtins, consisting in functions constants.
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Related projects
- olojs is a template engine and content management system that uses swan as inline expression language