A free and open-source cross market charting platform
ViperCharts 🐍
Viper Charts is an open-source charting library for plotting lines, candlesticks, moving averages, and more.
NOTE: This is still an early Beta build of the package. The API is subject to changes in the future. Please use for experimental purposes.
Run Demo
npm i
npm run start
To make a new Viper instance, import viper-charts and then create a new class instance
import ViperCharts from "@vipercharts/viper-charts";
const Viper = new ViperCharts({
element: document.getElementById("viper-container"),
The returned Viper instance includes the entire Viper instance. Everything from managing the layout of existing charts, adding / removing charts, and adding / removing datasets.
The constructor for ViperCharts accepts an object with multiple properties. Here's a list of some
type ViperParams = {
element: HTMLElement; // The container element for Viper
sources?: SourcesObject; // Dataset sources map / object
settings?: { [key: string]: any }; // Settings
onRequestHistoricalData?: Function; // Resolve requests for historical data
addOrUpdateOrder?: Function; // Resolve requests for Orders belonging to a specific dataset (market)
onSaveViperSettings?: Function; // Called when viper settings (layout, charts, indicators) udpates (same layout as settings object)
type SourcesObject = {
[key: string]: [key: string]DatasetSource;
type DatasetSource = {
source: string; // Dataset source (ex: COINBASE, FTX)
name: string; // Dataset name (ex: BTC-USD, BTC-PERP)
models: [key: string]: DataModel // All supported data models
maxItemsPerRequest: number; // Max candles to fetch per request (rate limiting, not currently implemented)
timeframes: [number]; // Array of timeframes in milliseconds supported by dataset (not currently implemented)
type DataModel = {
id: string // Unique id for data model
name: string // Visible name for data model
model: string // Model type (ex: ohlc, volumeBySide, footprint) All model types located in the data_models.js file
label: string // Label used for plotting on Y axis
Here's an example sources map using the Binance Spot API
const sources = {
source: "BINANCE",
name: "BTCUSDT",
models: {
price: {
id: "price",
model: "ohlc",
name: "Price",
label: "Binance:BTCUSDT"
maxItemsPerRequest: 500,
timeframes: [
60000 * 5,
60000 * 15,
60000 * 60,
60000 * 60 * 4,
60000 * 60 * 24,
For some examples, look at the /src/index.js file.
Also, a public demo is available at https://viper-charts.netlify.app/