Components for Nudge's websites and applications.
Tailwind CSS + Storybook
pnpm i
Running Storybook
pnpm dev
Creating components
Take a look at the Button or Card component. You can duplicate this directory and its contents to get started making your own components.
Each component directory contains the following files:
| File | Contains |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Button.stories.tsx | Contains the Storybook component documentation (called "stories"), and is used when the Storybook is generated. |
| Button.test.tsx | Tests for the Button component that you can run with npm run test
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| Button.tsx | The Button component, which will be used by your React application and documented by Storybook. |
| index.ts | Export for the Button component so you can import it in your app with import Button from "./components/Button"
. |
Customizing Tailwind CSS
Take a look at tailwind.config.ts.