record-rtc is a library based on recordrtc library. In this forked version of the original library we have optimized the memory management. The video recording is stored in IndexDB in chunks.
Memory Optimized RecordRTC
The library is forked from RecordRTC and a new functionality is added to continuously store the recorded video in chunks in the IndexDB. Hence you can now record larger videos without worrying about the memory issue. Although the memory is limited to the quota alloted to the browser for the IndexDB storage by the Operating system.
Read the original ReadME file here.
Tech Stack
Below is the tech stack for this library
| Name | Version | Notes | | -------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------ | | NodeJS | v20.12.0 | | | Node Version Manager | 0.39.1 | | | Grunt | 0.4.5 | We are using this for building the library | | Webpack | 4.44.1 | Not used for now | | Dexie | 3.2.7 | Used for easier api for usage of IndexDB | | | | |
Setup the development environment
Install NVM (link)
Follow the steps mentioned in the repo github link
Install Node
Install node version v20.12.0
nvm use v20.12.0
Install Grunt (link)
Run below command
npm install -g grunt-cli
Follow the below steps for building this library. Run the script tools/clean-build.sh