<p align="center"> <img src="bahunya-logo.png" alt="bahunya logo"> </p>
10KB classless CSS framework with responsive typography, navbar, syntax highlighting, and much more!
To use:
Just include the following in your head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/kimeiga/bahunya/css/bahunya-0.1.3.css" />
Visit the website for instructions on activating the navbar and syntax highlighting.
If you have semantically correct html, it should just work! No CSS classes needed :).
To develop locally:
npm start
(which runs parcel index.html
It will be available at localhost:1234
To build:
npm run build
(which runs parcel build index.html --out-dir docs --public-url ./
Development is taking place on the master branch. Github Pages website is being served from the docs
folder on the master branch for convenience.
Minified CSS files for importing are hosted on the css
branch and served with RawGit.
Mini Post-mortem
I wrote about this framework in the DevX publication on Medium!
If you are a computer science student at UCLA looking for a collection software team to hone your skills on a real-world project, feel free to apply!
Huge thanks to Yegor Bugayenko and Filipe Freire for creating Tacit, a fantastic classless CSS framework that inspired this project. I felt that Tacit was good, but I wanted responsive typography, vertical rhythm, a navbar, better web safe fonts, dark color theme, code syntax highlighting, and more. So I made Bahunya!
Tacit version 1.3.2 is 6kb, and Bahunya is 10kb, so I've only added 4kb for all these other features!
Thanks to Morris Fuller Benton for designing Century Schoolbook in 1919, Bahunya's beautiful web-safe serif headings font.
Thanks to Eric Gill for creating Gill Sans in 1926, Bahunya's elegant web-safe sans-serif body font.
Thanks to Luc(as) de Groot for designing Consolas around 2006, Bahunya's legible monospace font.
All fonts have fallbacks for Windows/Mac/Linux font diversion.