Image resize and format converted
is a plugin for static-website-builder
- [x] Converts jpg, png, webp and avig images into webp and avif format
- [x] Optimize images
- [x] Resize and crop images
- [x] Regenerate only images which have changed
npm install @videinfra/static-website-builder-images-plugin --save
In the config file (eg. config/config.js
) add:
exports.plugins = [
In the config file (eg. config/config.js
) overwrite default settings:
exports.imageSizes = {
// Glob list of files, which to ignore, relative to the image source folder
// see https://gulpjs.com/docs/en/getting-started/explaining-globs/
ignore: [
// Image file extensions, these are defaults
extensions: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif', 'pdf', 'svg', 'avif', 'tiff'],
// Optimization settings + format conversion
// Default is `false`, images won't be converted into WEBP, won't be optimized and won't be resized
optimization: {
// Converting from PNG, JPG or AVIF into WEBP + optimize
webp: {
quality: 89,
effort: 4,
// Converting from PNG, JPG or WEBP into AVIF + optimize
// `false` disables converting to format
avif: false,
// PNG optimization
png: 89,
// JPG optimization
jpg: 91,
// Set optimization settings for specific file without resizing
// Overwrites optimization settings
// Default is `false`
convert: {
// glob: { config }
// Use different quality for specific images
'/media/test-quality-1/*.*': { webp: 99 },
// Convert to format which disabled in optimizations, optionally set effort
'/media/test-quality-2/*.*': { avif: 99, effort: 2 },
// Resize settings
// Default is `false`, images won't be resized
// 'optimization' must be enabled for resize to work
resize: {
// glob: { config }
'/media/test/*.*': {
// postfix: { size settings }
// resize to specific size, crop if aspect ratio changes
'@xs': { width: 100, height: 100 },
// resize to specific size, when croping uses 'position' as a center point around which
// to crop the image: [x, y], eg. [0.5, 0.5] == center (default), [0, 0] == left top corner, [1, 1] == right bottom corner
'@md': { width: 100, height: 100, position: [0.5, 0.5] },
// resize to specific width; aspect ratio is preserved
'@lg': { width: 300 },
// resize to specific height; aspect ratio is preserved
'@xl': { height: 500 },
// resize to at given width or height so that other dimension is larger than constraint; aspect ratio is preserved
'@xxl': { minWidth: 800, minHeight: 800 },
// resize to at given width or height so that other dimension is small than constraint; aspect ratio is preserved
'@xxl-small': { maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800 },
// resize and output also in format which was disabled in 'optimization', if in 'optimization' format exists then
// quality specified here is used
'@xxl-other': { maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800, quality: { avif: 90 } },
// resize and output also in format which was disabled in 'optimization', if in 'optimization' format exists then
// quality specified here is used
'@xxl-other-faster': { maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800, quality: { avif: 90, effort: 2 } },
// File name of the JSON file which will be used to cache information about
// generated images, it's used to re-generate only images which changed.
// This is default value
cacheFileName: 'cache.json',
// Production only settings, overwrites default settings
production: {
// Development only settings, overwrites default settings
development: {