BigDecimal library based on BigNumber from ethers.js.
This library was made to simplify the Web3 development by extending BigNumber package from ethers.js with Decimals property and overriding the corresponding math.
Put simply - now you don't need parseEthers, formatEthers, and convert numbers/strings/bignumbers to each other.
BigDecimal structure/features:
- inheriting BigNumber - so you don't need to change anything in your code - and can pass BigDecimal wherever you had BigNumber before
- BigDecimal.decimals property - stores how many decimals this number has. Default is 18
- BigDecimal.value property - stores the numeric value of the bignumber with decimals applied - for human-readable display and use anywhere where you would use a simple number
You can look in the test
folder for all possible use-cases of BigDecimal.
And the source code src.ts/BigDecimal.ts
also has very verbose comments on usage.
For now it only supports multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
// You can create BigDecimal with Number, with string, or with BigNumber.
// You can pass the number of decimals as the second argument. If nothing is passed - default is assumed to be 18
// When creating BigDecimal from a number - it is converted to 18 decimals and stored as a BigNumber with 18 zeroes
const fiveEthers = new BigDecimal(5) // Same as BigNumber.from(5 with 18 zeroes) or parseEther(5)
// When creating with a BigNumber - it's assumed that decimals are already included:
const hundredUSDC = new BigDecimal(BigNumber.from("100000000"), 6) // Same as parseUnits(100, 6)
// When creating with a string - there are two ways:
// 1) same as BigNumber, where the decimals are assumed to be included:
const hundredUSDC = new BigDecimal("100000000", 6) // Same as parseUnits(100, 6)
// 1) set parseString to true - then the string will be parsed and treated as a number:
const hundredUSDC = new BigDecimal("100", 6, true) // Same as parseUnits("100", 6)
const meaning = new BigDecimal(BigNumber.from(42), 0) // 42 with 0 decimals
const half = hundredUSDC.mul(0.5) // equals hundredUSDC * 0.5 = 50 USDC with 6 decimals
const fivePercent = new Bigdecimal(0.05) // equals 0.05 * 1e18
const multiplication = hundredUSDC.mul(fivePercent) // equals 5 USDC with 6 decimals
const division = hundredUSDC.div(half) // equals 200 USDC with 6 decimals
console.log(hundredUSDC) // outputs 100 - human readable number with decimals applied to it
hundredUSDC.decimals // equals 6
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