Small Gulp wrapper around vue-compiler.
Thin wrapper around @vialer/vue-compiler, which is a simple and fast .vue template compiler for Gulp. It compiles all templates in a project to a javascript object. Each template in the object has an r and s property. Vue components are able to use them like this:
Vue.component('MyComponent', {
render: template.r,
staticRenderFns: template.s,
The template namespace is configurable. Template names are generated according
to their relative path. You can use the commonjs
option to generate a
commonjs template module. This can be used to require the templates in your code,
in case you want to keep the templates within a closure and part of an existing
browserify entry. Inline stylesheets and javascript support is left
out intentionally, due to separation of concerns.
Install and usage
Installation is simple. Just include it with npm:
yarn install @vialer/vue-compiler-gulp --save-dev
Make a templates directory and optionally subdirectories to use template
prefixes, e.g. templates/mymodule
Then use it in your gulp file like:
const vueCompiler = require('@vialer/vue-compiler-gulp')
gulp.task('templates', 'Build Vue templates', () => {
pathfilter: ['src', 'templates'],
.on('error', notify.onError('Error: <%= error.message %>'))
.pipe(ifElse(PRODUCTION, () => uglify()))
.on('end', () => {
if (!PRODUCTION) del(path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'templates.js.gz'), {force: true})
.pipe(size(extend({title: 'templates'}, sizeConfig)))
.pipe(ifElse(PRODUCTION, () => gzip(gzipConfig)))
.pipe(ifElse(PRODUCTION, () => gulp.dest(BUILD_DIR)))
.pipe(ifElse(PRODUCTION, () => size(extend({title: 'templates[gzip]'}, sizeConfig))))
.pipe(ifElse(isWatching, livereload))