Small wrapper around msal-node for getting tokens from Microsoft (with certificate or secret)
Small wrapper around msal-node for getting tokens from Microsoft (with certificate or secret)
npm i @vestfoldfylke/msal-token
- An app registration with permissions to whatever your scope is
- A secret or a certificate with in PFX format (can e.g. be created in an azure keyvault) added on the app registration (secrets and certificates tab)
Create a secret
- Go to app registrations "secrets and certificates"
- Create a new secret
- Store the secret somewhere safe (you won't see it again after creation)
Add certificate to app registration
- Go to app registrations "secrets and certificates"
- Upload the certficate
- Copy the thumbprint of the certificate
const { getAccessToken } = require('@vestfoldfylke/msal-token')
// Secret version
const authConfigSecret = {
clientId: CLIENT_ID, // app reg client id
tenantId: TENANT_ID, // tenant id
clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET, // client secret
scopes: TOKEN_SCOPES // scopes for the token, e.g ["https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"]
// PFX-certificate version
const authConfigPfx = {
clientId: CLIENT_ID, // app reg client id
tenantId: TENANT_ID, // tenant id
thumbprint: THUMBPRINT, // Certificate thumbprint
pfxcert: PFX_CERT_AS_BASE64, // PFX cert as base64
privateKeyPassphrase: PFX_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE || null, // password for private key if needed
scopes: TOKEN_SCOPES // scopes for the token, e.g ["https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"]
const token = await getAccessToken(authConfigSecret || authConfigPfx)