This project designed to provide single source of true for insurances forms. It supports two mode: standalone and embedded. Standalone designed as SSR application, with its own server and clients sides. Can be implemented due i-frame anywhere. Embedded ve
Vergelijkdirect comparison forms
This project designed to provide single source of true for insurances forms. It supports two mode: standalone and embedded. Standalone designed as SSR application, with its own server and clients sides. Can be implemented due i-frame anywhere. Embedded version using node dependency comparison-forms, that can be downloaded from NPM.
How to install
Standalone mode
1.Insert i-frame tag anywhere in your project, with next data:
| Queryparams | Meaning | Example | |:---------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-----------------------------------:| | Page address | Corresponds to type of form | /motor-form | | link | Indicate address, where user should be redirected after forms submit | &link=verzekeringen/results-page | | | title | Specify forms title | &title=Motorverzekering vergelijken | | full-form-width | Specify, should form has 100% width of parent component, or should has strong standard borders | &full-form-width=true |
Example: <iframe src="localhost:3000/motor-form?link=http://google.com"&has-new-design=1&title=Motorverzekering vergelijken&full-form-width=true">
Embedded mode
1.Install package @vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms (Strongly recommend to use exact version of package)
npm i @vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms --save-exact
2.Ensure, that version of Vue is >2.7.14, and version of Node is 20.6.1 3.In entry js file (for example vd-partner.ts in partner-front) import comparisonFormsPlugin
import comparisonFormsPlugin from '@vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms';
4.Make Vue use plugin
5.During creating vue-instance of app, add property:
provide: { 'ITC': Vue.prototype.$transmissionClient },
6.For correct work of styles add globally or in correspond component styles import
import '@vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms/styles';
7.Use component to render appropriate form. Below indicated props types:
| Props | Type/required | Meaning | Example | |:-------------------:|:-------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | form-component | String/Yes | Corresponds to type of form | motor-form | | link | String/No | Indicate address, where user should be redirected after forms submit | &link=verzekeringen/results-page | | has-new-design | Boolean/No | Indicate which version of form styles implemented. Missing value or false mean old form, true - new redesign form (non-required) | true | | classes | String/No | Indicate which classes should be implemented for root element (vd-form-card) | vd-form-flat | | insurance-state | Object/No | There should be indicated object with data for insurance. Used to show data in inputs, if user already filled in form. | for motor insurance can be included object motorState from store | | user-information | Object/No | There should be indicated object with user's data. Used to show data in inputs, if user already filled in form. | Usually it's userInformation object from store | | base-url | String/No | Base url should be used only for loans create forms, specify base url | / | | title | String/No | Specify title of form (by default has value vergelijken) | Motorverzekering vergelijken | | show-title | Boolean/No | Boolean, that specify should title, in title prop be showed (Use value false, if there is external modal title, to prevent double titles) | false | | form-orientation | String/No | Specify form orientation (Vertical or Horizontal) Should be used only for create loan form | Vertical | | form-location | String/No | String, that indicate, where form is located. Can be before flow, on result, coverages,family page. | IS_BEFORE_FLOW/IS_ON_RESULT_PAGE/IS_ON_COVERAGES_PAGE/IS_ON_FAMILY_PAGE | | additional-options | Object/No | Props that contains all special data, for separate form. E.g. qustionnary data for only Risk scanner/business car forms. | { qa_id: 'some value' } | | @change | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user submit form. Has parameters ({ insuranceState: {...}, userInformation: {...} }), that can be used for furtner actions with this data | Any function, that should be called after form submit | | @redirect-page | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user submit form, and should be redirected to page, indicated in link props with necessary data in queries. | Any function, that should be called after form submit | | @emit-event-hub | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user want to use external emit event. Has parameters ({ event: String, data: {...}}) | emit('emit-event-hub', { event: 'call-some-external-event', data: { ...any data }) |
:classes="'w-100 vd-form-card--flat'"
some-data-for-some-certain-form: 'some data'
- bike-form
- bike-form-horizontal
- bike-form-old
- business-car-form
- car-form
- car-form-horizontal
- car-form-old
- caravan-form
- caravan-form-horizontal
- caravan-form-old
- create-loan-comparison-form
- default-form
- house-form
- house-form-horizontal
- house-form-old
- legal-assistance-form
- legal-assistance-form-horizontal
- legal-assistance-form-old
- liability-form
- liability-form-horizontal
- liability-form-old
- moped-form
- moped-form-horizontal
- moped-form-old
- motor-form
- motor-form-horizontal
- motor-form-old
- package-form
- pet-form
- pet-form-horizontal
- pet-form-old
- questionnaire-form
- risk-scanner-form
- travel-form
- travel-form-horizontal
- travel-form-old
- update-loan-comparison-form
Those names should be used in form-component prop for embedded mode, or for link address for standalone version, and should be exact as in this list. If there is a need to get old horizontal form, formComponent should include: form-type-horizontal-old, or form-type-old-horizontal. E.g. motor-form-horizontal-old.
NOTICE: If there is :link prop, user will be redirected to this address with appropriate queryparams.
Embedded mode Comparison forms commands
- npm run watch - launch dev mode SSR app
- npm run serve - launch prod mode SSR app
- npm run test - launch test mode app
- npm run build - make build
- npm run rollup - make rollup of comparison forms