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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




This project designed to provide single source of true for insurances forms. It supports two mode: standalone and embedded. Standalone designed as SSR application, with its own server and clients sides. Can be implemented due i-frame anywhere. Embedded ve




Vergelijkdirect comparison forms

This project designed to provide single source of true for insurances forms. It supports two mode: standalone and embedded. Standalone designed as SSR application, with its own server and clients sides. Can be implemented due i-frame anywhere. Embedded version using node dependency comparison-forms, that can be downloaded from NPM.

How to install

Standalone mode

1.Insert i-frame tag anywhere in your project, with next data:

| Queryparams | Meaning | Example | |:---------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-----------------------------------:| | Page address | Corresponds to type of form | /motor-form | | link | Indicate address, where user should be redirected after forms submit | &link=verzekeringen/results-page | | | title | Specify forms title | &title=Motorverzekering vergelijken | | full-form-width | Specify, should form has 100% width of parent component, or should has strong standard borders | &full-form-width=true |

Example: <iframe src="localhost:3000/motor-form?link="&has-new-design=1&title=Motorverzekering vergelijken&full-form-width=true">

Embedded mode

1.Install package @vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms (Strongly recommend to use exact version of package)

npm i @vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms --save-exact

2.Ensure, that version of Vue is >2.7.14, and version of Node is 20.6.1 3.In entry js file (for example vd-partner.ts in partner-front) import comparisonFormsPlugin

import comparisonFormsPlugin from '@vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms';

4.Make Vue use plugin


5.During creating vue-instance of app, add property:

provide: { 'ITC': Vue.prototype.$transmissionClient },

6.For correct work of styles add globally or in correspond component styles import

import '@vergelijkdirect/comparison-forms/styles';

7.Use component to render appropriate form. Below indicated props types:

| Props | Type/required | Meaning | Example | |:-------------------:|:-------------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | form-component | String/Yes | Corresponds to type of form | motor-form | | link | String/No | Indicate address, where user should be redirected after forms submit | &link=verzekeringen/results-page | | has-new-design | Boolean/No | Indicate which version of form styles implemented. Missing value or false mean old form, true - new redesign form (non-required) | true | | is-on-result-page | Boolean/No | Indicate is form used for aanvragen flow (result page, coverages page etc), or for starting landing page (for exampple VD project) (Will be replaced with form-location) | true | | is-on-coverage-page | Boolean/No | Indicate is form used for aanvragen flow (coverages page), or for starting landing page (for exampple VD project) (Will be replaced with form-location) | true | | classes | String/No | Indicate which classes should be implemented for root element (vd-form-card) | vd-form-flat | | insurance-state | Object/No | There should be indicated object with data for insurance. Used to show data in inputs, if user already filled in form. | for motor insurance can be included object motorState from store | | user-information | Object/No | There should be indicated object with user's data. Used to show data in inputs, if user already filled in form. | Usually it's userInformation object from store | | base-url | String/No | Base url should be used only for loans create forms, specify base url | / | | title | String/No | Specify title of form (by default has value vergelijken) | Motorverzekering vergelijken | | show-title | Boolean/No | Boolean, that specify should title, in title prop be showed (Use value false, if there is external modal title, to prevent double titles) | false | | form-orientation | String/No | Specify form orientation (Vertical or Horizontal) Should be used only for create loan form | Vertical | | comparison | Comparison/No | Pass existing comparison for update actions in form. Required value for loans upgrade form | Comparison instance object | | status | String/No | Now used only for travels, but will be implement instead of is-on-result/coverage page. Indicate location of form. (Will be replaced with form-location) | IS_ON_FAMILY_PAGE | | form-location | String/No | String, that indicate, where form is located. Can be before flow, on result, coverages,family page. | IS_BEFORE_FLOW/IS_ON_RESULT_PAGE/IS_ON_COVERAGES_PAGE/IS_ON_FAMILY_PAGE | | additional-options | Object/No | Props that contains all special data, for separate form. E.g. qustionnary data for only Risk scanner/business car forms. | { qa_id: 'some value' } | | @change | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user submit form. Has parameters ({ insuranceState: {...}, userInformation: {...} }), that can be used for furtner actions with this data | Any function, that should be called after form submit | | @redirect-page | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user submit form, and should be redirected to page, indicated in link props with necessary data in queries. | Any function, that should be called after form submit | | @emit-event-hub | Function/No | Function, that should be called, when user want to use external emit event. Has parameters ({ event: String, data: {...}}) | emit('emit-event-hub', { event: 'call-some-external-event', data: { ...any data }) |


                :classes="'w-100 vd-form-card--flat'"
                    some-data-for-some-certain-form: 'some data'


  • bike-form
  • bike-form-horizontal
  • bike-form-old
  • business-car-form
  • car-form
  • car-form-horizontal
  • car-form-old
  • caravan-form
  • caravan-form-horizontal
  • caravan-form-old
  • create-loan-comparison-form
  • house-form
  • house-form-horizontal
  • house-form-old
  • legal-assistance-form
  • legal-assistance-form-horizontal
  • legal-assistance-form-old
  • liability-form
  • liability-form-horizontal
  • liability-form-old
  • moped-form
  • moped-form-horizontal
  • moped-form-old
  • motor-form
  • motor-form-horizontal
  • motor-form-old
  • package-form
  • pet-form
  • pet-form-horizontal
  • pet-form-old
  • travel-form
  • travel-form-horizontal
  • travel-form-old
  • update-loan-comparison-form

Those names should be used in form-component prop for embedded mode, or for link address for standalone version, and should be exact as in this list. If there is a need to get old horizontal form, formComponent should include: form-type-horizontal-old, or form-type-old-horizontal. E.g. motor-form-horizontal-old.

NOTICE: If there is :link prop, user will be redirected to this address with appropriate queryparams.

Embedded mode Comparison forms commands

  • npm run watch - launch dev mode SSR app
  • npm run serve - launch prod mode SSR app
  • npm run test - launch test mode app
  • npm run build - make build
  • npm run rollup - make rollup of comparison forms