Sfdx CLI plugin for automating mundane tasks such as setting FLS etc.,
$ sfdx plugins:install @venkat.polisetti/crm-sfdx-plugin
sfdx crm:permset:assign
sfdx crm:profile:fieldpermissions:set
sfdx crm:profile:objectpermissions:set
sfdx crm:profile:recordtypevisibilities:set
sfdx crm:permset:assign
Assign a permset to one or more users
$ sfdx crm:permset:assign
-c, --checkonly Just display details, no updates are made, defaults to false.
-f, --filter=filter Analogous to SOQL where clause to pull usernames from Standard User
Object. Any queryable field in User Obect can be used.
"Profile.Name LIKE 'System Admin%' AND Department = 'IT'
-n, --permsetlabel=permsetlabel (required) A single Permission Set. Use Label of the Perm set
-o, --onbehalfof=onbehalfof Comma-separated list of usernames. if --filter is also specified, this
flag is combined in the where clause with an OR
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --verbose Output to screen in csv format, defaults to false unless --checkonly
flag is set
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx crm:permset:assign
-u myalias
--filter="Profile.Name = 'Lightning Sales'
$ sfdx crm:permset:assign
-u myalias
--o='[email protected]'
See code: src/commands/crm/permset/assign.ts
sfdx crm:profile:fieldpermissions:set
Sets Field Level Security of fields for a list of profiles.
$ sfdx crm:profile:fieldpermissions:set
-c, --checkonly
Just display details, no updates are made to profiles, defaults to false.
-e, --editaccess=editaccess
edit permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'.
-f, --filter=filter
Analogous to SOQL where clause to pull fields from SObjects. Allowed fields: CreatedDate, CreatedBy,
LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy and DeveloperName. DeveloperName here referes to the SObject custom field.
LastModifiedBy.LastName='Doe' AND lastModifiedDate = TODAY AND DeveloperName like 'MyCustom%'
-o, --sobjects=sobjects
(required) List of SObjects separated by commas.
-p, --profiles=profiles
(required) List of profiles separated by commas. You can also use wildcards as part of this parameter to match on
profile names (only ^,$,* are supported, ^ matches start of the profile name, $ matches end of the profile name and
* matches one or more characters anywhere in a profile name).
-r, --readaccess=readaccess
read permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'.
-u, --targetusername=targetusername
username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --verbose
Output to screen in csv format, defaults to false unless --checkonly flag is set
override the api version used for api requests made by this command
format output as json
logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx crm:profile:fieldpermissions:set
-u myalias
--filter="LastModifiedBy.LastName='Doe' AND LastModifiedDate=TODAY"
--readaccess=true --editaccess=false
See code: src/commands/crm/profile/fieldpermissions/set.ts
sfdx crm:profile:objectpermissions:set
Sets SObject Level Security for a list of profiles.
$ sfdx crm:profile:objectpermissions:set
-a, --createaccess=createaccess Create SObject permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are 'true'
or 'false'.
-c, --checkonly Just display details, no updates are made to profiles, defaults to
-e, --editaccess=editaccess Edit SObject permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are 'true'
or 'false'.
-m, --modifyallaccess=modifyallaccess Modify All SObject permission, defaults to 'false'. Valid values are
'true' or 'false'.
-o, --sobjects=sobjects (required) List of SObjects separated by commas.
-p, --profiles=profiles (required) List of profiles separated by commas. You can also use
wildcards as part of this parameter to match on profile names (only
^,$,* are supported, ^ matches start of the profile name, $ matches
end of the profile name and * matches one or more characters anywhere
in a profile name).
-r, --readaccess=readaccess Read SObject permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are 'true'
or 'false'.
-s, --viewallaccess=viewallaccess View All SObject permission, defaults to 'true'. Valid values are
'true' or 'false'.
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --verbose Output to screen in csv format, defaults to false unless --checkonly
flag is set
-x, --deleteaccess=deleteaccess Delete SObject permission, defaults to 'false'. Valid values are
'true' or 'false'.
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx crm:profile:objectpermissions:set
-u myalias
--readaccess=true --createaccess=false --editaccess=true --deleteaccess=false --viewallaccess=true
See code: src/commands/crm/profile/objectpermissions/set.ts
sfdx crm:profile:recordtypevisibilities:set
Sets Record Type Visibilities for a list of profiles.
$ sfdx crm:profile:recordtypevisibilities:set
-c, --checkonly Just display details, no updates are made to profiles, defaults to
-p, --profiles=profiles (required) List of profiles separated by commas. You can also use
wildcards as part of this parameter to match on profile names (only
^,$,* are supported, ^ matches start of the profile name, $ matches
end of the profile name and * matches one or more characters anywhere
in a profile name).
-r, --recordtypes=recordtypes (required) JSON Array of Record Type visibility details. Example:
[{"name":"CustomObj__c.DevelperName_of_RecordType1", "default":true",
"visible":true}, {"name":"CustomObj__c.DeveloperName_of_RecordType2",
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --verbose Output to screen in csv format, defaults to false unless --checkonly
flag is set
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx crm:profile:recordtypevisibilities:set
-u myalias
--recordtypes='[{"name":"CustomObj__c.CustomRecType1", "default":true,
"visible":true},{"name":"CustomObj__c.CustomRecType2", "visible":false}]'
See code: src/commands/crm/profile/recordtypevisibilities/set.ts