VeWorld Mock client for playwright
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Playwright E2E
Playwright runs as a node process, whereas the VeWorld mock run inside the browser, so
two operations are needed: load
, which loads the VeWorld mock js file into the browser, and installMock
which sets up the mock functions on the window object.
This will need to be done before each test with a beforeEach block:
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await veWorldMockClient.load(page);
await page.goto('http://localhost:5003');
await veWorldMockClient.installMock(page);
To configure the mock within a test:
import { veWorldMockClient } from '@vechain/veworld-mock-playwright'
test('Configure mock', async ({ page }) => {
await veWorldMockClient.setOptions(page, {mockCertificate: 'invalid', fakeCertSignerAddress: "0x865306084235Bf804c8Bba8a8d56890940ca8F0b"});
To read outputs of the mock:
import { veWorldMockClient } from '@vechain/veworld-mock-playwright'
test('get outputs of mock', async ({ page }) => {
// do steps for cert signing...
const address = await veWorldMockClient.getSignerAddress(page);
// do steps for a tx ...
const txId = await veWorldMockClient.getSenderTxId(page)
Sample App and Tests
To build the test app and packages (veworld-mock, veworld-mock-playwright):
yarn install
yarn build
The sample app uses thor solo, to launch use:
make solo-up
To launch the sample app (separate terminal):
yarn dev
The test app is available at: http://localhost:5003/
To run the playwright tests:
yarn install-browsers
yarn test