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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Vebetter DAO smart contracts, including their addresses, ABIs, and interfaces.




VeBetterDAO Smart Contracts 🌟

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Welcome to the VeBetterDAO Smart Contracts repository! This open-source repository houses the smart contracts powering the decentralized VeBetterDAO on the VeChain Thor blockchain. Dive into a world of transparent and auditable governance mechanisms, leveraging Solidity, Hardhat, and more to ensure robust decentralized operations.

The complete documentation for the VeBetterDAO and the contracts can be found here.

Our contracts are upgradeable and versioned. See the contracts changelog for more information on the changes introduced in each of new upgraded version.

Mainnet contract addresses

  "B3TR": "0x5ef79995FE8a89e0812330E4378eB2660ceDe699",
  "B3TRGovernor": "0x1c65C25fABe2fc1bCb82f253fA0C916a322f777C",
  "Emissions": "0xDf94739bd169C84fe6478D8420Bb807F1f47b135",
  "GalaxyMember": "0x93B8cD34A7Fc4f53271b9011161F7A2B5fEA9D1F",
  "TimeLock": "0x7B7EaF620d88E38782c6491D7Ce0B8D8cF3227e4",
  "Treasury": "0xD5903BCc66e439c753e525F8AF2FeC7be2429593",
  "VOT3": "0x76Ca782B59C74d088C7D2Cce2f211BC00836c602",
  "VoterRewards": "0x838A33AF756a6366f93e201423E1425f67eC0Fa7",
  "X2EarnApps": "0x8392B7CCc763dB03b47afcD8E8f5e24F9cf0554D",
  "X2EarnRewardsPool": "0x6Bee7DDab6c99d5B2Af0554EaEA484CE18F52631",
  "XAllocationPool": "0x4191776F05f4bE4848d3f4d587345078B439C7d3",
  "XAllocationVoting": "0x89A00Bb0947a30FF95BEeF77a66AEdE3842Fe5B7",
  "VeBetterPassport": "0x35a267671d8EDD607B2056A9a13E7ba7CF53c8b3"

Testnet contract addresses

  "B3TR": "0xbf64cf86894Ee0877C4e7d03936e35Ee8D8b864F",
  "B3TRGovernor": "0xDF5E114D391CAC840529802fe8D01f6bdeBE41eC",
  "Emissions": "0x148d21032F4a7b4aeF236E2E9C0c5bF62d10f8EB",
  "GalaxyMember": "0xCf73039913e05aa1838d5869E72290d2b454C1E8",
  "TimeLock": "0x30ee94F303643902a68aD8A7A6456cA69d763192",
  "Treasury": "0x039893EBe092A2D22B08E2b029735D211bfF7F50",
  "VOT3": "0xa704c45971995467696EE9544Da77DD42Bc9706E",
  "VoterRewards": "0x2E47fc4aabB3403037fB5E1f38995E7a91Ce8Ed2",
  "X2EarnApps": "0xcB23Eb1bBD5c07553795b9538b1061D0f4ABA153",
  "X2EarnRewardsPool": "0x5F8f86B8D0Fa93cdaE20936d150175dF0205fB38",
  "XAllocationPool": "0x9B9CA9D0C41Add1d204f90BA0E9a6844f1843A84",
  "XAllocationVoting": "0x5859ff910d8b0c127364c98E24233b0af7443c1c",
  "B3TRFaucet": "0x5e9c1F0f52aC6b5004122059053b00017EAfB561"

Notice: VeBetter Passport contract deployed only on mainnet.


The VeBetterDAO smart contracts have undergone a comprehensive audit by Hacken. The audit report (Hacken_Vechain Foundation_[SCA] VeChain _ VeBetter DAO _ May2024_P-2024-304_1_20240621 16_17) can be found in the root of the repo.

Install via NPM

You can install the package via NPM to get the ABIs, contract addresses and interfaces:

yarn add @vechain/vebetterdao-contracts


Before contributing or deploying, ensure your environment meets the following specifications:

Repository Structure

Contracts (contracts/) 📜

Core smart contracts written in Solidity. Managed with Hardhat, these contracts are ready for deployment on the VeChain Thor blockchain.

Artifacts (artifacts/) 🏺

Automatically generated contract artifacts post-compilation. Contains ABI and contract bytecode.

TypeChain Types (typechain-types/) 📚

TypeScript typings for smart contracts, generated to enhance developer experience by providing strong typing for contract interactions.

Environment Setup ⚙️

Set up your environment to integrate smoothly with the blockchain:

  • MNEMONIC: Store the mnemonic for the deploying wallet in a .env file at the root to maintain security and ease of use.

Getting Started 🏁

Clone the repository and install dependencies with ease:

yarn install # Run this at the root level of the project

Compilation and Testing 🛠️

Compile contracts and generate necessary artifacts and types:

yarn compile

Testing on Hardhat Network

yarn test:hardhat

Testing on Thor Solo Network

yarn test:thor-solo

Code coverage

You can generate code coverage reports using the following command:

yarn test:coverage:solidity

A folder named coverage will be created in the root directory with the coverage report. Open index.html in your browser to view the report.

Additionally a report is generated each time a PR is merged on main and can be found here.


Note that slither does not seem to be working with the repo as-is, resulting in an enum type not found error:

slither.solc_parsing.exceptions.ParsingError: Type not found struct Checkpoints.Trace208


This repository is for educational and demonstration purposes. The maintainers are not liable for any misuse or faults within the code.