Renders next to the map multiple alternative views for the same viewpoint.
Part of the VC Map Project
The multi-view plugin adds multiple views/maps to the main VcsMap. When navigating in the main map, all views are updated. It is also possible to move in one of the multi-views. Clicking on the view title will change the viewpoint in the main map.
Version 1.x.x:
- Plugin cannot be configured.
- All views are oblique maps, 4 in total, with directions north, east, south, west.
- There is only one layout, which is a panel on the right.
- The multi-view panel can be resized.
Future development ideas:
- Plugin can be configured.
- Views can be other maps like OpenlayersMap and CesiumMap.
- More layouts could be added.
- Configuration can be changed in the UI.