A rule library is used to manage the code writing specifications of team members
A Vue scaffold plugin based on prettier specification
Support Language
- √ Vue 2.x + Typescript
- √ Vue 2.x + Javascript
- √ Vue 3.x + Typescript
- √ Vue 3.x + Javascript
Front Work
Install VScode Plugin
Search and install the following 2 plugins in your VScode plugin store
- ESLint: Check for errors in code writing
- Prettier: Unified formatting code style
Configure VScode
In "file = > Preferences = > Settings = > Open settings (JSON)", add the following configuration:
"eslint.validate": [
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Using tutorials
Add @vbs/eslint to the project using Vue scaffolding plugins
vue add @vbs/eslint
Installation options
- 🚩 Choose a version of Vue.js
- 🚩 Choose your project language
- 🚩 Choose install style property declarations and groups related properties
- 🚩 Choose install git submit verification
Q: Why does the editor not prompt the code to report an error after I install it?
A: After attempting to install, restart the vscode editor