Gets you started with valo templates
Valo Template Generator
This is the Yeoman - Valo Template Generator which allows you to make template creation a lot easier. The generator splits each template in multiple pieces (SASS, TypeScript, HTML, JSON) and merge them during the build process.
In order to get started, you will first have to install the following dependencies:
npm install -g yo @valo/generator-template
Project creation
Open your command prompt in the folder where you want to create the template(s) and run one of the following commands:
# Start the yeoman generator. The generator will ask you a couple of questions.
yo @valo/template
The following questions are asked:
- Template name: This name will be used as the file name of the template.
- Include placeholder template: This adds the
file which you can use to generate the HTML for your placeholder. - Include custom Handlebars helper: This will allow you to get the template for quickly starting with your custom Handlebars helper development.
Command flags
The following flags can be used to speed up the project creation:
# -n: Provide the name of the template
yo @valo/template -n my-banner-template
# -p: Specify to include the placeholder template
yo @valo/template -n withhelper -p
# -c: Specify to include the Handlebars helper
yo @valo/template -n withhelper -c
# Skip npm install at the end
yo @valo/template --skip-install
# Combining the flags is possible
yo @valo/template -n withhelper -p -c
Once you created the project, you can start developing the template. In the template folder you will find the following files:
Mandatory files
: the metadata you find at the beginning of your template, with JSON validation.src/template/templatename/template.html
: the HTML of the template
Optional files
: the styling of the templatesrc/template/templatename/template.ts
: the typescript of the templatesrc/template/templatename/placeholder.html
: the HTML of the placeholder - only if you have specified the placeholder creation (you can always add it manually)src/template/templatename/helper.ts
: The custom Handlebars helper - only if you have specified the custom Handlebars helper creation (you can always add it manually)
In order to get you started there are two commands:
gulp build
Info: This command lets you generate the HTML template. The template once generated can be found in the
gulp sync --username <username>@<tenant>.onmicrosoft.com --password <password> --site https://<tenant>.sharepoint.com/sites/valotemplates
Info: This command will automatically generate the HTML template and upload it to the Valo Template Gallery.
04/09/2020 - 1.0.0
- Initial version
- [] minify json,
- [] minify HTML
- [] minify JavaScript
- [] minify CSS