Functions to make the MongoDB driver easier to use
Functions to make the MongoDB driver easier to use.
npm install @valbo/mongodb-functions
This package exports functions to parse results, throw errors and run transactions with the MongoDB driver.
Parsing results
Some MongoDB driver functions return easy to use results, like findOne() which returns either the found document or null if not found. Other functions return complex objects that you have to parse in order to get the actual result.
The parseResult() function parses the result of the following MongoDB driver Collection methods:
| Collection method | parseResult() returned value | | :--- | :--- | | insertOne() | The _id of the inserted document | | insertMany() | An _id array of the inserted documents | | updateMany() | The number of documents updated | | deleteMany() | The number of documents deleted |
import { MongoClient, Collection, ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
import { parseResult } from '@valbo/mongodb-functions';
const client = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017');
interface User {
username: string;
name: string;
const collection = client.db('tests').collection<User>('users');
const insertedId: ObjectId = await parseResult(collection.insertOne({ name: 'Alice' }));
const insertedIds: ObjectId[] = await parseResult(collection.insertMany([{ name: 'Bob' }, { name: 'Charlie' }]));
const updatedCount: number = await parseResult(collection.updateMany({}, { $set: { updated: true } }));
const deletedCount: number = await parseResult(collection.deleteMany({ name: 'Charles' }));
Throw error if null or undefined
Sometimes you are fine with getting a null or undefined when you cannot find, update or delete a document, but sometimes you want to throw an error immediately.
The throwIfNil() function will throw the provided error if the result of a promise returns null or undefined:
import { throwIfNil } from '@valbo/mongodb-functions';
const notFoundError = new Error('user not found');
const user: User = await throwIfNil(notFoundError, parseResult(collection.findOneAndUpdate({ name: 'Charles' }, { $set: { name: 'Charlie' } })));
// throws because document does not exist
Throw error if duplicated
When the MongoDB driver throws an error you have to check if the error.code is 11000 to know if it's a duplication error.
The throwIfDuplicated() function checks that for you and throws the provided error when the promise throws a duplication error. If the promise throws any other kind of error then it is thrown as it is:
import { throwIfDuplicated } from '@valbo/mongodb-functions';
const notUniqueError = new Error('user is not unique');
await collection.createIndex({ name: 1 }, { unique: true });
const user: User = await throwIfDuplicated(notUniqueError, parseResult(collection.insertOne({ name: 'Alice' })));
// throws because name is not unique
The MongoDB driver has two functions that you have to combine to run a transaction: withSession() and withTransaction().
The withTransaction() function of this package combines the functionality of the those two functions and returns the result of the transaction:
import { withTransaction } from '@valbo/mongodb-functions';
const newUser: User | null = await withTransaction(client, async session => {
const parent: User = await throwIfNil(notFoundError, collection.findOneAndUpdate({ name: 'Robert' }, { $set: { children: 1 } }, { returnOriginal: false, session }));
return await throwIfDuplicated(notUniqueError, collection.insertOne({ name: 'Daisy', parent: parent.name }, { session }));