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README versions
✨ Features
Validators: The @utils-fns/validators
library provides the following validators:
- [x] cpfValidator
- [x] nisValidator
- [x] emailValidator
- [x] cnpjValidator
- [x] phoneValidator
- [x] paymentCardValidator (luhn algorithm)
- [x] paymentSlipValidator (ITF-14)
- [x] stateRegistrationValidator (inscrição estadual - BR)
- [x] voterRegistrationValidation (título de eleitor - BR)
- [x] cnhValidator
- [x] renavamValidator
- [x] cepValidator (cep - BR)
Link to module documentation @utils-fns/validators
: https://github.com/ccqueiroz/utils-fns/blob/main/packages/validators/README.md
Mask: The @utils-fns/mask
library provides the following masks:
- [x] cpf
- [x] nis
- [x] cnpj
- [x] date
- [x] paymentSlip
- [x] phone
- [x] renavam
- [x] cnh
- [x] voterRegister
- [x] cep
- [x] generic masks
- [x] numbers
Link to module documentation @utils-fns/mask
: https://github.com/ccqueiroz/utils-fns/blob/main/packages/mask/README.md
Utils: The @utils-fns/utils
library provides the following utilities:
Module under construction
- [x] Data List Cities (BR)
- [x] Data List States (BR)
- [x] Data List Countries
- [x] Lunh Algorithm
- [x] Lunh Algorithm Mod10
- [x] Lunh Algorithm Mod11
- [x] Payment Card Data List
- [x] Normalize Words
- [ ] Sorting Algorithms
- [ ] Bubble Sort
- [ ] Merge Sort
- [ ] Quick Sort
- [ ] Heap Sort
- [ ] Alphanumeric Sort
- [ ] Heap
- [ ] Selection
- [ ] Bubble
- [ ] Merge
- [ ] Searching Algorithms
- [ ] Binary Search
- [ ] Breadth-First
- [ ] Depth-First
- [ ] Exponential Search
- [ ] Heap Sort
- [ ] Generate File Hash
- [ ] converter base64
- [ ] unConverter base64
- [ ] Params serializer
- [ ] PrintPDF
- [ ] Blob dowload
- [ ] Generate Password
- [ ] Convert Hex To RGB
- [ ] Add Opacity In Color Rgb
Link to module documentation @utils-fns/utils
: https://github.com/ccqueiroz/utils-fns/blob/main/packages/utils/README.md
🖥 Supported Environments
- Applications with javascript ES6 or higher
- Modern Browsers
- Server-side
- Electron
- Mobile
📦 Install
To install the @utils-fns/utils-fns library: use your preferred package manager
yarn add @utils-fns/utils-fns
npm install @utils-fns/utils-fns
🔨 How to use
To access the features, just follow the example:
import { validators, utils, mask } from "@utils-fns/utils-fns";
const { validators, utils, mask } = require("@utils-fns/utils-fns");
So, just choose which validation tool will be used.
const cpfValidation = validators.cpf('64912007013')
//return true
is written in TypeScript with complete definitions.
This API is licensed MIT.