A React hook for invoking a callback when hotkeys are pressed.
A React hook for invoking a callback when hotkeys are pressed.
npm i @utilityjs/use-keybind | yarn add @utilityjs/use-keybind
You can't bind multiple normal keys (The keys which are not modifiers) but you can bind a combination of modifier keys and other keys.
For example, you can't bind these keys together: ["a", "b"]
or ["ArrowLeft", "s"]
, etc.
import * as React from "react";
import useKeybind, { Keybinding } from "@utilityjs/use-keybind";
const keybind1: Keybinding = {
keys: ["Meta", "s"],
callback: event => {
console.log("keybind 1");
const keybind2: Keybinding = {
keys: ["Meta", "Alt", "Shift", "s"],
callback: event => {
console.log("keybind 2");
const App: React.FC = () => {
useKeybind(window, [keybind1, keybind2]);
return <div className="app"></div>;
export default App;
useKeybind(target, bindings)
declare const KEYS_KEYCODE: {
readonly Space: "Space";
readonly ";": "Semicolon";
readonly "=": "Equal";
readonly ",": "Comma";
readonly "-": "Minus";
readonly ".": "Period";
readonly "/": "Slash";
readonly "`": "Backquote";
readonly "[": "BracketLeft";
readonly "\\": "Backslash";
readonly "]": "BracketRight";
readonly "'": "Quote";
readonly "1": "Digit1";
readonly "2": "Digit2";
readonly "3": "Digit3";
readonly "4": "Digit4";
readonly "5": "Digit5";
readonly "6": "Digit6";
readonly "7": "Digit7";
readonly "8": "Digit8";
readonly "9": "Digit9";
readonly "0": "Digit0";
readonly a: "KeyA";
readonly b: "KeyB";
readonly c: "KeyC";
readonly d: "KeyD";
readonly e: "KeyE";
readonly f: "KeyF";
readonly g: "KeyG";
readonly h: "KeyH";
readonly i: "KeyI";
readonly j: "KeyJ";
readonly k: "KeyK";
readonly l: "KeyL";
readonly m: "KeyM";
readonly n: "KeyN";
readonly o: "KeyO";
readonly p: "KeyP";
readonly q: "KeyQ";
readonly r: "KeyR";
readonly s: "KeyS";
readonly t: "KeyT";
readonly u: "KeyU";
readonly v: "KeyV";
readonly w: "KeyW";
readonly x: "KeyX";
readonly y: "KeyY";
readonly z: "KeyZ";
declare const KEYS_KEYNAME: {
readonly Backspace: "Backspace";
readonly Tab: "Tab";
readonly Enter: "Enter";
readonly Shift: "Shift";
readonly Control: "Control";
readonly Alt: "Alt";
readonly CapsLock: "CapsLock";
readonly Escape: "Escape";
readonly End: "End";
readonly Home: "Home";
readonly ArrowLeft: "ArrowLeft";
readonly ArrowUp: "ArrowUp";
readonly ArrowRight: "ArrowRight";
readonly ArrowDown: "ArrowDown";
readonly Insert: "Insert";
readonly Delete: "Delete";
readonly Meta: "Meta";
readonly NumLock: "NumLock";
readonly F1: "F1";
readonly F2: "F2";
readonly F3: "F3";
readonly F4: "F4";
readonly F5: "F5";
readonly F6: "F6";
readonly F7: "F7";
readonly F8: "F8";
readonly F9: "F9";
readonly F10: "F10";
readonly F11: "F11";
readonly F12: "F12";
type KeyNames = keyof typeof KEYS_KEYNAME;
type KeyCodes = keyof typeof KEYS_KEYCODE;
export type Keys = KeyNames | KeyCodes;
export type KeyCallback = (event: KeyboardEvent) => void;
export type Keybinding = { keys: Keys[]; callback: KeyCallback };
type UseKeybind = {
<T extends Window = Window>(target: T | null, bindings: Keybinding[]): void;
<T extends Document = Document>(
target: T | null,
bindings: Keybinding[]
): void;
<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(
target: React.RefObject<T> | T | null,
bindings: Keybinding[]
): void;
declare const useKeybind: UseKeybind;
export default useKeybind;
The target to which the listener will be attached.
The array of keybind mapping.
When the key and all of the modifiers in a keydown event match those defined in bindings.keys
, the bindings.callback
will be invoked.