Atomic CSS composition for yarn workspaces
A Framework to build atomic design CSS libraries in a functional manner.
$ yarn install -g @utilitycss/atomic
Atomic is meant to be used on monorepos, using yarn workspaces and lerna to
handle internal dependencies. Your project should also live under a single npm
scope (e.g. @my-design-sytem/package-name
If you installed atomic globally you can bootstrap a new atomic project using
$ mkdir my-project && cd my-project
$ atomic init
Alternatively you can use npx
$ mkdir my-project && cd my-project
$ npx @utilitycss/atomic init
To build the CSS bundle use
$ yarn build
To start the watch mode use
$ yarn start
If you already built the project once and you only want to watch for changes you can use the --no-rebuild (-n) flag
$ yarn start -- -n
You can create your own visitor in order to execute some actions on each atom respecting the dependency order.
// ./visitor.js
const Visitor = require("@utilitycss/atomic").Visitor;
module.exports = class ListVisitor extends Visitor {
async visit(node) {
console.log('ATOM NAME:', node.name);
async finalize() {
and then run
$ yarn atomic visit ./visitor.js
the visit function will be executed in batches of concurrent task whenever possible: all the atoms in the current batch do not have interdependencies and they only depend on atoms already visited on some previous batch.