The product tables package contains a bunch of components that can be used to build a row of a product table, like this:
Product tables
The product tables package contains a bunch of components that can be used to build a row of a product table, like this:
The component is extremely generic and can power different looking product tables while still maintaining visual consistency between them. For example:
- There can be a subtitle below the title instead of a leader above
- The content to the right of the title is completely customisable - and can appear mixed in with the other content on mobile
- The entire grid area is completely customisable - cells can be swapped out for other cells, the number of columns can be changed, they can appear in a different order on mobile
- Cells can appear in a different place on mobile: for example, the sky logo could appear to the left of the title on smaller displays
- Completely custom HTML can be passed in - cells don't all have to be powered by components from this package
- Additional content can be added anywhere in the row using "addons" - for example, a footer
Basically, this package provides a framework to creating product tables without being too prescriptive about what they should look like—but in a way that still maintains visual consistency throughout a brand.
This is conceptual documentation, not API documentation - look at storybook if you want to know how to actually use it.
- A product table row consists of a body, a header and a grid (the latter two of which are contained in the body).
- You can use cells, of which there are some already provided, to populate the row.
- Cells can be provided either as children, in which case they'll automatically be laid out in the grid, or as addons.
- There are two built in addons, footer and responsive.
- You can create both your own cells and addons!
- There are built in data formatters, designed purely for consistency between usages.
Structure and terminology
A product table row is a collection of cells, inside sections of the row.
There are three main sections:
- The body, which is the entire row. This is laid out with CSS grid.
- The header, which is the top section with the titles and "Includes 3 months" call out in the screenshot above. This is both a cell itself - positioned within the body grid - and contains cells - positioned using flexbox.
- The grid, which is the main content below the header. This doesn't have its own element in the DOM - it is positioned in the body section's grid.
These sections will be especially important to know when writing addons.
There are two ways to add cells to the body of a product table row: as children (where they are added to the grid) and as addons (where the positioning is a bit more configurable). In the grid the cell components and the order they're specified in is responsible for layout, while with addons you get full control over where they are displayed.
- As children, they're added to the grid section and the cell components and order they're specified in is responsible for their layout.
- As addons, you get full control over where they're displayed outside of the grid, but less control of where it displays inside the grid.
These examples cover cells inside the grid, but all of these cells can be used in addons - that'll be covered in the next section.
There's a number of already written cell types, such as:
- The base cell, which doesn't format its content as all
- An image cell, which is good for displaying e.g. logos and product pictures
- The split cell, which can be passed multiple cells to display in the space of one cell (more on this below)
- The CTA cell, which contains call to action link buttons
This isn't a complete list, and you also don't have to use them - you can pass you own cells in.
As this is conceptual documentation, not API documentation, see storybook and stories.tsx to see all the cells and how to use them.
The base cell
Nearly all of the built in cells use the base cell internally - this one is pretty important. It handles the layout within the grid, the padding / margin around it, and the borders between the cells if necessary.
It's recommended that if you use your own cells, you use this one as a wrapper. The only common exception to this is when you want to modify the layout - but it's likely you'd want to be using the split cell for most changes anyway.
The split cell
The split cell is what powers the "Average speed" and "Contract" section in the screenshot at the start of this document. In JSX, that would actually look something like this:
<ProductTable.cells.Content label="Average speed">
<ProductTable.cells.Content label="Contract">18 months</ProductTable.cells.Content>
It takes other cells as arguments, then lays them out within the space of a cell as rows. On mobile, it's effectively ignored and the cells display below each other as if they were two cells.
The split cell doesn't actually output anything to the DOM itself.
When inside a cell, you can tell whether you're inside a split cell or not
using CellContext
import { CellContext } from '@uswitch/trustyle.product-table'
// ...
const { inSplit } = React.useContext(CellContext)
Writing your own cell
In addition to the cells available under ProductTable.cells
, you can also
create your own cells types when the existing ones don't do what you need.
Usually, it's best to extend the content cell or the base cell. The content cell displays a label (except in addons on desktop) and your specified content, and the base cell is just a blank canvas.
For example, in FS we need an eligibility status showing using a progress bar. This isn't needed by any other teams and is quite simple, so it isn't part of the product table package.
We can extend the content cell to do this:
const EligibilityCell: React.FC<EligibilityCellProps> = ({ percent }) => (
<ProductTable.cells.Content label="Eligibility" mobileOrder={1}>
textAlign: 'center',
maxWidth: 300,
minWidth: [0, 200],
marginLeft: 'auto'
<span sx={{ display: 'block', fontSize: 14, marginBottom: 'xs' }}>
<strong>{percent}%</strong> chance of approval
<ProgressBar current={percent} max={100} />
Then, you can use in a row like any other cell:
<ProductTable.Row {...otherProps}>
{/* ... */}
<EligibilityCell percent={80} />
{/* ... */}
It will be automatically laid out in the grid.
If you want content to appear outside of the grid, you'll need to use an addon. They allow you to use cells in other places—for example, to add a USP to the right of the title, or to add a footer.
There's a couple built in ones that cover pretty much every use case, or you can build your own.
The footer addon
The footer addon is pretty simple to use: provide it with a cell, and it's displayed at the bottom of the row, full width, with a border above it:
addon: ProductTable.addons.footer,
component: (
<ProductTable.cells.Base sx={{ display: 'block' }} mobileOrder={100}>
<small sx={{ fontSize: 'xs' }}>
Representative example: Assumed borrowing of £10,000 over...
Internally, the footer addon inserts this into the body section of the row.
The responsive addon
Let's take the eligibility example from above: on desktop, we want it to display to the right of the title, and on mobile, we want it to display mixed in with the grid cells.
For this, we can use the responsive addon. This addon allows us to insert our content into different places in the row, and change where it is displayed on different viewports.
This is how we can do that:
addon: ProductTable.addons.responsive,
component: <EligibilityCell percent={80} />,
options: {
positions: ['body', 'header']
The positions
array uses the breakpoints from the breakpoints in the theme
and accepts the values header
, grid
and body
Building your own addon
As explained previously, addons allow you to add content outside of the grid. There are hooks inside the row component that grab content from the specified addons where appropriate.
It's easier to explain with an example.
In the addon:
import { Addon, CellContext } from '@uswitch/trustyle.product-table'
const AddonFooter: Addon = {
body: ({ children }) => {
const { gridColumnSpan } = React.useContext(CellContext)
return (
gridRowStart: 11,
gridRowSpan: 1,
gridColumnStart: 1,
This is a shorter version of the real footer addon, which also adds some formatting such as a border and some padding.
Note that the addon is an object with one entry, with key body
. This means
that we want the addon to use the body hook. Addons can use more than one hook,
but be aware that unless you add some logic to prevent it, that means the
content will display twice.
Then, in the row component, you can find the following line:
Any addons specified using the AddonFooter
component from above will now
appear in the row body, spanning one row from row 11, and taking the full width.
Exactly what you'd expect from a footer! Search "Row numbers explained" in
row.tsx to see why we've chosen row 11 for the footer.
The addon positions currently supported are header
, grid
, and body
Data formatters
Data formatters are simple components designed to output formatted data.
For example, the range data formatter takes a from
value and a to
value and
displays something like this:
These are great for using inside content cells, and I'd recommend that if none of the existing data formatters suit your need, you add a new one and contribute it back to the package.