Call the userdocks REST API via the JavaScript rest function (node + browser)
Call the userdocks REST API via the JavaScript rest function (node + browser)
Table of Contents
- Install
- Methods
- userdocks.initialize
- userdocks.analytics.oneTimePayments.list
- userdocks.analytics.signIns.list
- userdocks.analytics.subscriptions.list
- userdocks.analytics.tenants.list
- userdocks.apps.promotions.list
- userdocks.apps.publicKeys.retrieve
- userdocks.apps.userRoles.list
- userdocks.apps.users.accessStatus.update
- userdocks.tenants.checkoutSessions.create
- userdocks.tenants.stripe.invoices.list
- userdocks.tenants.stripe.invoices.create
- userdocks.tenants.stripe.paymentMethods.del
- userdocks.tenants.stripe.subscriptions.del
- userdocks.tenants.stripe.subscriptions.update
- userdocks.tenants.retrieve
- userdocks.tenants.update
- userdocks.users.retrieve
- userdocks.users.update
- userdocks.users.del
- userdocks.users.promotionCodes.use
- userdocks.users.referralInvites.create
- Usage
- Usage for Development
npm i @userdocks/javascript-rest-api
Documentation of all the functions and methods this SDK exposes.
This method must be called before using any other methods.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.initialize(headers, options);
- headers
: an object holding either the api key headers (server-only) or an authentication header (client-only)- X-API-KEY
: the readOnly or writeOnly api key for userdocks (server-only) - X-CLIENT-ID
: the id of the userdocks app (server-only) - X-API-KEY-TYPE
<'write' | 'read'>
: type of the api key (server-only) - Authentication
: an accesstoken for userdocksBearer x.y.z
- options
: an object holding three keys- url
: the url of the api server (default: https://api.userdocks.com) - version
: the version of the api server (default: v1) - test
: an boolean indicating the mode for the stripe payment api (default: true)
- url
Return value
- object
: an object holdiung three keys- options
: an object holding four keys- url
: the url of the api server (default: https://api.userdocks.com) - version
: the version of the api server (default: v1) - test
: an boolean indicating the mode for the stripe payment api (default: true) - headers
: an object holding either the api key headers (server-only) or an authentication header (client-only)- X-API-KEY
: the readOnly or writeOnly api key for userdocks (server-only) - X-CLIENT-ID
: the id of the userdocks app (server-only) - X-API-KEY-TYPE
<'write' | 'read'>
: type of the api key (server-only) - Authentication
: an accesstoken for userdocksBearer x.y.z
- version
: an uuid created when initialized the userdocks api - isServer
: an boolean indicating if the api is used on the server or on the client
- url
- options
This method will return all one-time payments for an application between a two dates and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.analytics.oneTimePayments.list(from, to);
- from
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
- to
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
Return value
// GET /v1/analytics/one-time-payments
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "analyticsOneTimePayment",
"itemsLength": Number,
"items": [
"id": String,
"paid": Boolean,
"test": Boolean,
"stripePriceId": String,
"units": Number,
"unitsBefore": Number,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripeCouponId": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"user": {
"id": String,
"appId": String,
"language": String,
"salutation": String,
"salutationOther": String,
"acceptedNewsletter": Boolean,
"acceptedNewsletterDate": String,
"lastAskedNewsletterSignUp": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"name": String,
// open id fields use snake case
"given_name": String,
"family_name": String,
"middle_name": String,
"nickname": String,
"preferred_username": String,
"profile": String,
"picture": String,
"website": String,
"email": String,
"email_verified": Boolean,
"gender": String,
"other_gender": String,
"birthdate": String,
"zoneinfo": String,
"locale": String,
"phone_number": String,
"phone_number_verified": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"deleted": Boolean,
"tenantId": Boolean,
"tenant": {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripePriceId": String,
"stripeProductId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeTrialingPriceId": String,
"stripeTrialingProductId": String,
"stripeTrialingSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeCheckoutSessionId": String,
"stripeDefaultPaymentMethodId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd": Boolean,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAt": String,
"stripePaymentMethod": String, // 'card' or 'userdocks_promo_code' or somthing with 'promo' specified by the user
"mode": String,// 'payment' or 'subscription'
"description": String,
"stripeOneTimePaymentValidThru": String,
"freezedDueFailedPayment": Boolean,
"paidUntil": String,
"freeUntil": String,
"paidUnits": String,
"freeUnits": String,
"companyName": String,
"companyVATId": String, // value added tax identification number
"companyTaxType": String,
"companyTaxExempt": String, // none, exempt or reverse
"isBusinessCustomer": Boolean,
"isInvoicePending": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"paymentFailed": Boolean,
"paymentFailedCount": Number,
"paymentFailedDate": String,
"deleted": Boolean,
This method will return all sign ins for an application between a two dates and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.analytics.signIns.list(from, to);
- from
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
- to
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
Return value
// GET /api/v1/analytics/sign-ins
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "analyticsSignIn",
"itemsLength": Number,
"items": [
"id": String,
"lastSignInAt": String,
"daysSinceLastSignIn": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"user": {
"id": String,
"appId": String,
"language": String,
"salutation": String,
"salutationOther": String,
"acceptedNewsletter": Boolean,
"acceptedNewsletterDate": String,
"lastAskedNewsletterSignUp": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"name": String,
// open id fields use snake case
"given_name": String,
"family_name": String,
"middle_name": String,
"nickname": String,
"preferred_username": String,
"profile": String,
"picture": String,
"website": String,
"email": String,
"email_verified": Boolean,
"gender": String,
"other_gender": String,
"birthdate": String,
"zoneinfo": String,
"locale": String,
"phone_number": String,
"phone_number_verified": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"deleted": Boolean,
"tenantId": Boolean,
"tenant": {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripePriceId": String,
"stripeProductId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeTrialingPriceId": String,
"stripeTrialingProductId": String,
"stripeTrialingSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeCheckoutSessionId": String,
"stripeDefaultPaymentMethodId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd": Boolean,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAt": String,
"stripePaymentMethod": String, // 'card' or 'userdocks_promo_code' or somthing with 'promo' specified by the user
"mode": String,// 'payment' or 'subscription'
"description": String,
"stripeOneTimePaymentValidThru": String,
"freezedDueFailedPayment": Boolean,
"paidUntil": String,
"freeUntil": String,
"paidUnits": String,
"freeUnits": String,
"companyName": String,
"companyVATId": String, // value added tax identification number
"companyTaxType": String,
"companyTaxExempt": String, // none, exempt or reverse
"isBusinessCustomer": Boolean,
"isInvoicePending": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"paymentFailed": Boolean,
"paymentFailedCount": Number,
"paymentFailedDate": String,
"deleted": Boolean,
This method will return all subscriptions for an application between a two dates and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.analytics.subscriptions.list(from, to);
- from
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
- to
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
Return value
// GET /v1/analytics/subscriptions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "analyticsSubscription",
"itemsLength": Number,
"items": [
"id": String,
"paid": Boolean,
"test": Boolean,
"until": Number,
"cancelled": Boolean,
"stripeSubscriptionId": String,
"stripePriceId": String,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripeCouponId": String,
"userId": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"appId": String,
"tenantId": String,
"user": {
"id": String,
"appId": String,
"language": String,
"salutation": String,
"salutationOther": String,
"acceptedNewsletter": Boolean,
"acceptedNewsletterDate": String,
"lastAskedNewsletterSignUp": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"name": String,
// open id fields use snake case
"given_name": String,
"family_name": String,
"middle_name": String,
"nickname": String,
"preferred_username": String,
"profile": String,
"picture": String,
"website": String,
"email": String,
"email_verified": Boolean,
"gender": String,
"other_gender": String,
"birthdate": String,
"zoneinfo": String,
"locale": String,
"phone_number": String,
"phone_number_verified": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"deleted": Boolean,
"tenantId": Boolean,
"tenant": {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripePriceId": String,
"stripeProductId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeTrialingPriceId": String,
"stripeTrialingProductId": String,
"stripeTrialingSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeCheckoutSessionId": String,
"stripeDefaultPaymentMethodId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd": Boolean,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAt": String,
"stripePaymentMethod": String, // 'card' or 'userdocks_promo_code' or somthing with 'promo' specified by the user
"mode": String,// 'payment' or 'subscription'
"description": String,
"stripeOneTimePaymentValidThru": String,
"freezedDueFailedPayment": Boolean,
"paidUntil": String,
"freeUntil": String,
"paidUnits": String,
"freeUnits": String,
"companyName": String,
"companyVATId": String, // value added tax identification number
"companyTaxType": String,
"companyTaxExempt": String, // none, exempt or reverse
"isBusinessCustomer": Boolean,
"isInvoicePending": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"paymentFailed": Boolean,
"paymentFailedCount": Number,
"paymentFailedDate": String,
"deleted": Boolean,
This method will return all subscriptions for an application between a two dates and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.analytics.subscriptions.list(from, to);
- from
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
- to
: a date in the follwing formatYYYY-MM-DD
Return value
// GET /v1/analytics/tenants
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "analyticsTenant",
"itemsLength": Number,
"items": [
id: String,
name: String,
stripeCustomerId: String,
stripePriceId: String,
stripeProductId: String,
stripeSubscriptionId: String,
stripeTrialingPriceId: String,
stripeTrialingProductId: String,
stripeTrialingSubscriptionId: String,
stripeCheckoutSessionId: String,
stripeDefaultPaymentMethodId: String,
stripeSubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd: Boolean,
stripeSubscriptionCancelAt: String,
stripePaymentMethod: String, // 'card' or 'userdocks_promo_code' or somthing with 'promo' specified by the user
mode: String,// 'payment' or 'subscription'
description: String,
stripeOneTimePaymentValidThru: String,
freezedDueFailedPayment: Boolean,
paidUntil: String,
freeUntil: String,
paidUnits: String,
freeUnits: String,
companyName: String,
companyVATId: String, // value added tax identification number
companyTaxType: String,
companyTaxExempt: String, // none, exempt or reverse
isBusinessCustomer: Boolean,
isInvoicePending: Boolean,
freezed: Boolean,
paymentFailed: Boolean,
paymentFailedCount: Number,
paymentFailedDate: String,
deleted: Boolean,
tenantAddresses: [
id: String,
name: String,
city: String,
country: String,
line1: String,
line2: String,
postal_code: String,
state: String,
type: String,
deleted: Boolean,
users: [
id: String,
appId: String,
language: String,
salutation: String,
salutationOther: String,
acceptedNewsletter: Boolean,
acceptedNewsletterDate: String,
lastAskedNewsletterSignUp: String,
mailchimpMemberId: String,
name: String,
// open id fields use snake case
given_name: String,
family_name: String,
middle_name: String,
nickname: String,
preferred_username: String,
profile: String,
picture: String,
website: String,
email: String,
email_verified: Boolean,
gender: String,
other_gender: String,
birthdate: String,
zoneinfo: String,
locale: String,
phone_number: String,
phone_number_verified: Boolean,
password: String,
freezed: Boolean,
deleted: Boolean,
verified_by_admin: Boolean,
github_email_verified: Boolean,
google_email_verified: Boolean,
facebook_email_verified: Boolean,
twitter_email_verified: Boolean,
lastSignInAt: Boolean,
lastSignInIp: Boolean,
tenantId: Boolean,
This method will return all promotions for an application and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.apps.promotions.list(appId);
- appId
: the id of an userdocks application (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/apps/:appId/promotions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "promotion",
"itemsLength": Number,
"items": [
This method will return the public key for an application and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.apps.publicKeys.retrieve(appId);
- appId
: the id of an userdocks application (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/apps/:appId/public-keys
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "publicKey",
"publicKey": String
This method will return all user roles for an application and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.apps.userRoles.list(appId);
- appId
: the id of an userdocks application (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/apps/:appId/user-roles
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "userRole",
"itemsLength": Number,
id: String,
name: String,
This method will update the access status (freezed, unfreezed) of an user for an application and can only be accessed from the server with api keys.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.apps.users.accessStatus.update(appId, userId, accessStatus);
- appId
: the id of an userdocks application (uuid) - userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - accessStatus
: '0' - freezed (unable to sign in); '1' - unfreezed (able to sign in)
Return value
// POST /v1/apps/:appId/users/:userId/access-status/:accessStatus
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will create a new checkout session (used to redirect to the payment page).
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.checkoutSession.create(tenantId, checkoutSession);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - checkouSession
: holding up to 10 keys- price
: a stripe price id - taxRate
: a stripe tax rate id - allowedCountry
: a two character country code e.g. US - paymentMethodType
<'card' | 'sepa' | 'sofort'>
- billingAddressCollection
- mode
<'payment' | 'subscription' | 'setup'>
- quantity
- isReverseCharge
- state
: 64 character long random string - test?
: indicates if using the stripe payment api in testmode (optional)
- price
Return value
// POST /v1/tenants/:tenantId/checkout-sessions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "checkoutSession",
"id": String,
"hash": String,
"nextAction": {
url: String, // the url to the payment page (you need to add the state as query parameter)
This method will list all stripe invoices for a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.stripe.invoices.list(tenantId);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-invoices
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will create a new stripe invoice for a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.stripe.invoices.create(tenantId, stripeInvoice);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - stripeInvoice
: holding up to eight keys- price
: a stripe price id - taxRate
: a stripe tax rate id - quantity
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - mode
<'payment' | 'subscription' | 'setup'>
- footer?
: text that should appear on the invoice (optional) - test?
: indicates if using the stripe payment api in testmode (optional)
- price
Return value
// POST /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-invoices
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "stripePaymentIntent",
// https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/object?lang=node
This method will delete all stripe payment methods for a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.stripe.paymentMethods.del(tenantId);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid)
Return value
// DELETE /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-payment-methods
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will delete all stripe subscriptions for a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.stripe.susbcriptions.del(tenantId);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid)
Return value
// DELETE /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will upgrade or downgrade an stripe subscription for a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.stripe.susbcriptions.update(tenantId, stripeSubscription);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - tenantId
: an object holding up to six keys- price
: a stripe price id - taxRate
: a stripe tax rate id - quantity
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - test?
: indicates if using the stripe payment api in testmode (optional)
- price
Return value
// PUT /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will return a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.retrieve(tenantId);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/tenants/:tenantId
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "tenant",
"id": String,
"name": String,
"stripeCustomerId": String,
"stripePriceId": String,
"stripeProductId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeTrialingPriceId": String,
"stripeTrialingProductId": String,
"stripeTrialingSubscriptionId": String,
"stripeCheckoutSessionId": String,
"stripeDefaultPaymentMethodId": String,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAtPeriodEnd": Boolean,
"stripeSubscriptionCancelAt": String,
"stripePaymentMethod": String, // 'card' or 'userdocks_promo_code' or somthing with 'promo' specified by the user
"mode": String,// 'payment' or 'subscription'
"description": String,
"stripeOneTimePaymentValidThru": String,
"freezedDueFailedPayment": Boolean,
"paidUntil": String,
"freeUntil": String,
"paidUnits": String,
"freeUnits": String,
"companyName": String,
"companyVATId": String, // value added tax identification number
"companyTaxType": String,
"companyTaxExempt": String, // none, exempt or reverse
"isBusinessCustomer": Boolean,
"isInvoicePending": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"paymentFailed": Boolean,
"paymentFailedCount": Number,
"paymentFailedDate": String,
"deleted": Boolean,
"shippingAddress": {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"city": String,
"country": String,
"line1": String,
"line2": String,
"postal_code": String,
"state": String,
"type": String,
"deleted": Boolean
"billingAddress": {
"id": String,
"name": String,
"city": String,
"country": String,
"line1": String,
"line2": String,
"postal_code": String,
"state": String,
"type": String,
"deleted": Boolean
"users": [
"id": String,
"appId": String,
"language": String,
"salutation": String,
"salutationOther": String,
"acceptedNewsletter": Boolean,
"acceptedNewsletterDate": String,
"lastAskedNewsletterSignUp": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"name": String,
// open id fields use snake case
"given_name": String,
"family_name": String,
"middle_name": String,
"nickname": String,
"preferred_username": String,
"profile": String,
"picture": String,
"website": String,
"email": String,
"email_verified": Boolean,
"gender": String,
"other_gender": String,
"birthdate": String,
"zoneinfo": String,
"locale": String,
"phone_number": String,
"phone_number_verified": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"deleted": Boolean,
"verified_by_admin": Boolean,
"github_email_verified": Boolean,
"google_email_verified": Boolean,
"facebook_email_verified": Boolean,
"twitter_email_verified": Boolean,
"lastSignInAt": Boolean,
"lastSignInIp": Boolean,
"tenantId": Boolean
This method will update a userdocks tenant.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.tenants.retrieve(tenantId, tenant);
- tenantId
: the id of an userdocks tenant (uuid) - tenant
: all values are optional- name
- description
- companyName
- companyVATId
- companyTaxType
- companyTaxExempt
<'none' | 'exempt' | 'reverse'>
- isBusinessCustomer
- shippingAddress
:- name
- city
- country
: a two character country code e.g. US - line1
- line2
- postal_code
- state
- type
- name
- billingAddress
:- name
- city
- country
: a two character country code e.g. US - line1
- line2
- postal_code
- state
- type
- name
- name
Return value
// PUT /v1/tenants/:tenantId
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will return a userdocks user.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.users.retrieve(userId);
- userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid)
Return value
// GET /v1/users
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": {
"kind": "user",
"id": String,
"appId": String,
"language": String,
"salutation": String,
"salutationOther": String,
"acceptedNewsletter": Boolean,
"acceptedNewsletterDate": String,
"lastAskedNewsletterSignUp": String,
"mailchimpMemberId": String,
"name": String,
// open id fields use snake case
"given_name": String,
"family_name": String,
"middle_name": String,
"nickname": String,
"preferred_username": String,
"profile": String,
"picture": String,
"website": String,
"email": String,
"email_verified": Boolean,
"gender": String,
"other_gender": String,
"birthdate": String,
"zoneinfo": String,
"locale": String,
"phone_number": String,
"phone_number_verified": Boolean,
"freezed": Boolean,
"deleted": Boolean,
"tenantId": Boolean
This method will update a userdocks user.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.users.retrieve(userId, user);
- userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - user
: all values are optional language:<string>
: a two character country code e.g. US salutation<'o' | 'f' | 'm'>
: YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2022-31-12 zoneinfo<string>
Return value
// POST /v1/users/:userId
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null
This method will delete a userdocks user.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.users.retrieve(userId);
- userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid)
Return value
// DELETE /v1/users/:userId
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,
This method will use a userdocks promotion code for a user (e.g. price or subscription for free).
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.users.promotionCodes.use(userId, promotionCode);
- userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - promotionCode
: a userdocks promotion code
Return value
// PUT /v1/users/:userId/promotion-codes/:promotionCode
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null
This method invite a new user based on an email address.
Returns a promise
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
await userdocks.users.promotionCodes.use(userId, user);
- userId
: the id of an userdocks user (uuid) - user
: an object holding two keys- email
- language
: a two character country code
- email
Return value
// POST /v1/users/:userId/referral-invites
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null
Import the library and call the methods.
import userdocks from '@userdocks/javascript-rest-api';
// method to receive the token
const token = await getToken();
// initialize the userdocks api whenever api keys or the access token changes
await userdocks.initialize({
Authentication: `Bearer ${token}`, // or use the api keys if you make requests from a server
// 'X-API-KEY': process.env.USERDOCKS_API_KEY,
// 'X-CLIENT-ID': process.env.USERDOCKS_APP_ID,
}, {
url: 'https://api.userdocks.com', // use your own api url e.g. when used with CNAME in userdocks
version: 'v1', // the api version, currently v1 is the only version
test: true, // indicate if used in test mode for payment
// use the api to e.g. get a user
const user = await userdocks.users.retrieve('me');
Usage for Development
Start the watcher and link the package locally:
npm run watch
npm run link
Link the package in the project where it will be used:
# if you run "npm i" in your project you need to re-run this command
npm link @userdocks/javascript-rest-api
To use this module with typescript and with npm link add the follwing to your tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@userdocks/javascript-rest-api": [