React hook to work with Google Api and Google Authentication
Lignweight 4.1kb
, simple yet powerful react hook to work with google api/auth.
yarn add @use-gapi/react
import useGapi from '@use-gapi/react';
function Login() {
const { signIn } = useGapi({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENTID",
return (
<button onClick={signIn}>Google Login button</button>
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| ----------------- | ------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| apiKey | String | --- | Required. The apiKey generated in Google's developer console. |
| clientId | String | --- | Required. The clientID generated in Google's developer console. |
| discoveryDocs | String | '' | Docs describes the surface of the API, how to access the API and how API requests and responses are structured. |
| scope | String | 'profile openid email' | Scopes that you might need to request to access Google APIs. |
| cookiePolicy | String | 'single_host_origin' | List of domains to create sign-in cookies. Possible: URI, single_host_origin
, none
. |
| script_url | String | 'https://apis.google.com/js/api.js' | Required. Google script that must be added to the DOM; object - window.gapi
. |
const { signIn, signOut, isSignedIn, profile, client } = useGapi();
signIn :: () => Object
Can accept argument options
- see available google options here.
Will return user's profile object or error.
signOut :: () => Boolean
Sign out and disconnect.
Will return false
or error.
isSignedIn :: Boolean
Falsy value if not signed in.
profile :: Object
Google user profile object. Default state is:
auth: {
tokenObj: undefined,
tokenId: undefined,
accessToken: undefined,
scope: undefined,
expiresAt: undefined,
p: {
googleId: undefined,
email: undefined,
fullName: undefined,
givenName: undefined,
familyName: undefined,
imageUrl: undefined,
const { signIn, profile } = useGapi({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENTID",
const { p, auth } = profile;
console.log(p.email) // [email protected]
console.log(auth.accessToken) // YOUR_TOKEN
client :: Object
Client allows you to use any google api including auth2
, you just need to add correct discoveryDocs, e.g. for google drive you will need something like this:
const { client } = useGapi({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENTID",
discoveryDocs: ["https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/drive/v3/rest"],
and then somewhere:
const driveApiCall = async () => {
await client.drive.files.list({
'pageSize': 15,
'fields': "nextPageToken, files(id, name)"
}).then(function(response) {
let res = response.result.files;