Fast (interpolated), fully typed, auto tested and without any dependencies - implementation of the Black-Scholes model: both from volatility to price (and greeks) and back
Black Scholes
- TypeScript
- Fast (interpolated) implementation
- Autotests
- No dependencies
Getting Started
npm -i @uqee/black-scholes
import { BlackScholes, Option } from '@uqee/black-scholes'
const blackScholes: BlackScholes = new BlackScholes()
// API #1
// sigma (HV) → option (price and greeks)
const option: Option = blackScholes.option({
rate: 0.1, // risk free interest rate is 10%
sigma: 0.8, // historical volatility is 80%
strike: 90,
time: 0.5, // 0.5 * 365 days
type: 'call',
underlying: 100,
// {
// delta: 0.7114016068521767, // dPrice/dUnderlying
// gamma: 0.0060373764391397425, // dDelta/dUnderlying
// price: 28.61494767719128,
// rho: 21.262606504013192, // dPrice/dRate → dRate +1 means +100%
// theta: 23.572125906049813, // dPrice/dTime → dTime +1 means +year
// vega: 24.14950575655897 // dPrice/dSigma → dSigma +1 means +100%
// }
// API #2
// option (price) → sigma (IV)
const sigma: number = blackScholes.sigma({
price: option.price,
rate: 0.1,
strike: 90,
time: 0.5,
type: 'call',
underlying: 100,
// 0.8000000022822183
Constructor Parameters
const blackScholes: BlackScholes = new BlackScholes({
priceToSigmaAccuracy?: number
acceptable sigma error
default 0.001
priceToSigmaBLeft?: number
left sigma value for the 'bisection' algorithm
default 0
priceToSigmaBRight?: number
right sigma value for the 'bisection' algorithm
default 2
priceToSigmaMethod?: 'bisection' | 'newton-raphson'
default 'bisection'
priceToSigmaNRIteractions?: number
max iterations for the 'newton-raphson' algorithm
default 10
sigmaToPricePrecision?: 'single' | 'double'
default 'single'