jQuery File Upload UI Widget β Lightweight & supports: drag and drop, multiple uploads, image cropping, customization & more π Comes with Cloud Storage π
Install via NPM:
npm install jquery @upload-io/jquery-uploader
Or via YARN:
yarn add jquery @upload-io/jquery-uploader
Or via a <script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://js.bytescale.com/jquery-uploader/v3"></script>
Step 1) Initialize the uploader
Call this once only β at the start of your app β before calling $(x).uploader()
// Get production-ready API keys from Bytescale
apiKey: "free"
Step 2) Display the Upload Widget
To display a file upload dialog on click β Try on CodePen
$(() => {
onComplete: files => {
if (files.length === 0) {
console.log('No files selected.')
} else {
console.log('Files uploaded:');
console.log(files.map(f => f.fileUrl));
To display a file upload dropzone inline on the page β Try on CodePen
$(() => {
dropzone: {
width: "600px",
height: "375px"
onUpdate: files => {
if (files.length === 0) {
console.log('No files selected.')
} else {
console.log('Files uploaded:');
console.log(files.map(f => f.fileUrl));
The Result
All callbacks receive an Array<UploadWidgetResult>
fileUrl: "https://upcdn.io/FW25...", // URL to use when serving this file.
filePath: "/uploads/example.jpg", // File path (we recommend saving this to your database).
editedFile: undefined, // Edited file (for image crops). Same structure as below.
originalFile: {
fileUrl: "https://upcdn.io/FW25...", // Uploaded file URL.
filePath: "/uploads/example.jpg", // Uploaded file path (relative to your raw file directory).
accountId: "FW251aX", // Bytescale account the file was uploaded to.
originalFileName: "example.jpg", // Original file name from the user's machine.
file: { ... }, // Original DOM file object from the <input> element.
size: 12345, // File size in bytes.
lastModified: 1663410542397, // Epoch timestamp of when the file was uploaded or updated.
mime: "image/jpeg", // File MIME type.
metadata: {
... // User-provided JSON object.
tags: [
"tag1", // User-provided & auto-generated tags.
π API Support
π File Management API
Bytescale provides an Upload API, which supports the following:
- File uploading.
- File listing.
- File deleting.
- And more...
Uploading a "Hello World"
text file is as simple as:
curl --data "Hello World" \
-u apikey:free \
-X POST "https://api.bytescale.com/v1/files/basic"
Note: Remember to set -H "Content-Type: mime/type"
when uploading other file types!
π Image Processing API (Resize, Crop, etc.)
Bytescale also provides an Image Processing API, which supports the following:
- Image Resizing
- Image Cropping
- Image Compression
- Image Conversion
- Image Manipulation (blur, sharpen, brightness, etc.)
- Layering (e.g for text & image watermarks)
- and more...
Read the Image Processing API docs Β»
Original Image
Here's an example using a photo of Chicago:
Processed Image
Using the Image Processing API, you can produce this image:
Full Documentation
Need a Headless (no UI) File Upload Library?
Can I use my own storage?
Yes: Bytescale supports AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Storage, and DigitalOcean Spaces.
To configure a custom storage backend, please see:
π Create your Bytescale Account
jQuery Uploader is the jQuery Upload Widget for Bytescale: the best way to serve images, videos, and audio for web apps.