Typed JSON parsing and serializing for TypeScript that preserves type information, using decorators. Parse JSON into actual class instances.
Insbired by John Weisz TypedJSON project.
Strong-typed JSON parsing and serializing for TypeScript with decorators. Parse JSON into actual class instances. Recommended (but not required) to be used with ReflectDecorators, a prototype for an ES7 Reflection API for Decorator Metadata.
- Parse regular JSON to typed class instances, safely
- Seamlessly integrate into existing code with decorators, ultra-lightweight syntax
yarn add @upe/typedjson
npm install --save @upe/typedjson
- Add the @JsonObject decorator on a class
- Add the @JsonMember decorator on properties which should be serialized and deserialized
- Parse and stringify with the TypedJSON class
class Person {
@JsonMember({type: String})
firstName: string;
type: String,
isRequired: true,
lastName: string;
@JsonMember({elements: String})
emails: string[];
@JsonMember({type: Car})
car: Car;
class Car {
@JsonMember({type: String})
modelName: string;
var json = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
emails: [],
car: { modelName: "i10" }
var person0 = TypedJSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json), Person);
var person1 = TypedJSON.deserialize(json, Person);
var personStr = TypedJSON.stringify(person0);
var personJSON = TypedJSON.serialize(person1)
person0 instanceof Person; // true
person1 instanceof Person; // true
person0.car instanceof Car; // true
personStr === JSON.stringify(json); // true
JsonObject Options
All JsonObject Options are now deprecated
JsonMember Options
interface IJsonMemberOptions<T> {
* Sets the member name as it appears in the serialized JSON. Default value is determined from property key.
name?: string;
* Sets the json member type. Optional if reflect metadata is available.
type?: ElementType<T>;
* When the json member is an array, sets the type of array elements. Required for arrays.
elements?: IJsonMemberOptions<any> | ElementType<T>;
* When set, indicates that the member must be present when deserializing a JSON string.
isRequired?: boolean;
Learn more about decorators in TypeScript
TypedJSON is licensed under the MIT License.