A connector for accessing the SmartCLIDE database. A Keycloak Authorization Bearer Token is required for accessing the API outside the AWS cluster.
This module is a wrapper for swagger-client that simplifies the process of making calls to the SmartCLIDE DB API, given its swagger description and a Keycloak Bearer Authorization Token.
The current version provides:
- call method that takes an object with the request configuration and returns the response from the API. The configuration object has the following properties:
| Property | Description | Required for |
| operationID | ID of the operation according to the swagger description | All requests |
| parameters | Object containing the parameters required by the request (e.g., { userId: "<userId>" }
to send the userId to the /{userId} endpoint) | When demanded by the request |
| requestBody | Object containing the data to be sent to the API, in the request body (e.g., { id: "<id>", email: "<email>", team_id: "<team_id>" }
to send the details of the user to be created/updated) | POST and PUT requests |
| token | Keycloak Bearer Authorization Token | All requests that require authentication |
- exists method that returns a boolean indicating whether there is a document of the given entity with the provided ID. The parameters are:
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | entity | Entity in which to search for the given ID | | id | ID of the document to be searched for | | token | Keycloak Bearer Authorization Token |
How to use?
Add as a dependency to the package.json
"dependencies": {
"@unparallel/smartclide-backend-connector": "latest"
Install dependencies
npm install
Usage Example
// Import the module
import SmartCLIDEBackendConnector from "@unparallel/smartclide-backend-connector";
// Instantiate the connector providing the URL of the swagger description of the API
let connector = await new SmartCLIDEBackendConnector("<swaggerURL>");
// Create a configuration object with the required properties
let configuration = {
operationID: "<operationID>",
parameters: { userId: "<userID>" },
requestBody: {
id: "<id>",
email: "<email>",
team_id: "<team_id>"
token: "<Keycloak Token>"
// Make the request
let result = await connector.call(configuration);
// Log the response