<div align="center"> <h1 align="center">@unkey/ratelimit</h1> <h5>@unkey/ratelimit is a library for fast global ratelimiting in serverless functions.</h5> </div>
npm install @unkey/ratelimit
- Configure your ratelimiter:
import { Ratelimit } from "@unkey/ratelimit";
const unkey = new Ratelimit({
rootKey: process.env.UNKEY_ROOT_KEY,
namespace: "my-app",
limit: 10,
duration: "30s",
async: true,
- Use it:
async function handler(request) {
const identifier = request.getUserId(); // or IP or anything else you want
const ratelimit = await unkey.limit(identifier);
if (!ratelimit.success) {
return new Response("try again later", { status: 429 });
// handle the request here
Making it Bullet Proof
To ensure reliability, you can configure timeout and error handling:
import { Ratelimit } from "@unkey/ratelimit";
const fallback = (identifier: string) => ({
success: true,
limit: 0,
reset: 0,
remaining: 0,
const unkey = new Ratelimit({
// ... standard configuration
timeout: {
ms: 3000, // only wait 3s at most before returning the fallback
onError: (err, identifier) => {
console.error(`${identifier} - ${err.message}`);
return fallback(identifier);
API Overview
Create a new instance for ratelimiting by providing the necessary configuration.
new Ratelimit(config: RatelimitConfig)
Check whether a specific identifier is currently allowed to do something or if they have currently exceeded their limit.
.limit(identifier: string, opts: LimitOptions): Promise<RatelimitResponse>