<div align="center"> <h1 align="center">@unkey/nextjs</h1> <h5>`@unkey/nextjs` the official SDK for Next.js. Just use it in your route handlers a direct and type-safe method to verify API keys.</h5> </div>
npm install @unkey/nextjs
Protecting API routes is as simple as wrapping them with the withUnkey
import { NextRequestWithUnkeyContext, withUnkey } from '@unkey/nextjs';
export const POST = withUnkey(async (req) => {
// Process the request here
// You have access to the verification response using `req.unkey`
return new Response('Your API key is valid!');
That’s it! Since this is just handling key verification, there’s no need to specify a root key as an environment variable.
If you want to customize how withUnkey processes incoming requests, you can do so as follows:
By default, withUnkey will look for a bearer token located in the authorization
header. If you want to customize this, you can do so by passing a getter in the configuration object:
export const GET = withUnkey(async (req) => {
// ...
}, {
getKey: (req) => new URL(req.url).searchParams.get("key"),
You can specify custom error handling. By default errors will be logged to the console, and withUnkey
will return a NextResponse with status 500.
export const GET = withUnkey(async (req) => {
// ...
}, {
onError: async (req, res) => {
await analytics.trackEvent(`Error ${res.code}: ${res.message}`)
return new NextResponse("Unkey error", { status: 500 })
Specify what to do if Unkey reports that your key is invalid.
export const GET = withUnkey(async (req) => {
// ...
}, {
handleInvalidKey: (req, res) => {
return new Response("Unauthorized", { status: 401 })
Disable telemetry
By default, Unkey collects anonymous telemetry data to help us understand how our SDKs are used.
If you wish to disable this, you can do so by passing a boolean flag to the constructor:
export const GET = withUnkey(async (req) => {
// ...
}, { disableTelemetry: true });