Unispec Driver for NestJS GraphQl.
Specify once, reuse it everywhere.
The objective of Unified Specification is to provide the simplest way to declare, deploy and integrate every action of your project and make it easier to work with OpenAPI/Swagger, GraphQl, NestJS, C#/DotNet and the maximum platforms available. Unispec not the first and not the last project that tries to do this purpose, and probably doesn't fit your needs.
Before we talk about this project, thanks to the following comunities arround these inspiring projects unispec is possible:
- TypeBox - https://github.com/sinclairzx81/typebox
- TypeBox - Codegen - https://github.com/sinclairzx81/typebox-codegen
- Typia - https://typia.io/
- QuickType - https://github.com/glideapps/quicktype
- JsonTypeDef - https://jsontypedef.com/docs/
- JsonSchema - https://json-schema.org/
- AJV - https://ajv.js.org/
- HeyApi OpenApi Typescript - https://github.com/hey-api/openapi-ts
- Nx - https://nx.dev/
- UnJS - https://unjs.io/
- magicast - https://unjs.io/packages/magicast
- recast - https://github.com/benjamn/recast
- ast-types - https://github.com/benjamn/ast-types
- Corvus.JsonSchema - https://github.com/corvus-dotnet/Corvus.JsonSchema
- JsonEverything - https://github.com/gregsdennis/json-everything
- typespec - https://github.com/microsoft/typespec
NPM Ecosystem
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