unielon wallet js sdk rom react provider、swap pools base action, base use for React
Dogeuni Wallet browser extension & React Provider
Powering the future for Dogeuni DRC20 Wallet. Connecting the Unielon Wallet to the base library through React Provider.
yarn add @unielon/wallet-connect-react
npm i @unielon/wallet-connect-react --save
/* App.jsx */
import { WalletConnect } from '@unielon/wallet-connect-react'
export default App(){
return (
<WalletProvider blockRefresh={5000}>
WalletProvider coinfig state
| state | type | default | description |
| ------------ | -------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| blockRefresh | number
| 1000 * 60
| Interval in milliseconds to refresh the block data |
connect to dogeuni wallet
/* ConnectButton.jsx */
import { useWallet } from './provider'
export default function ConnectButton() {
const { connect, connectLoading, address } = useWallet()
return <button onClick={() => connect()}>{connectLoading ? 'connecting...' : address || 'Connect Wallet'}</button>
wallet state
| state | type | default | description |
| ----------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| address
| string
| null
| The currently connected wallet address |
| installed
| boolean
| false
| Whether the extension is installed |
| connected
| boolean
| false
| Whether it is connected to the wallet extension |
| sendLoading
| boolean
| false
| Loading state for sending transactions |
| connectLoading
| boolean
| false
| Loading state for connecting to the wallet |
| sendError
| string
| | Error message for sending transactions |
| dogecoinBalance
| number
| null
| Balance of Dogecoin |
| publicKey
| string
| null
| Public key of the wallet |
| network
| string
| null
| Current network |
| currency
| string
| usd
| Current currency |
| currentCurrency
| string
| { name: 'USD', symbol: '$' }
| Current selected currency |
| currencyList
| array
| CurrencyItemType[]
| List of available currencies, CurrencyItemType[]
| uniBlock
| function
| null
| get the current Unielon block |
| dogeBlock
| function
| null
| get the current Dogecoin block |
| price
| function
| null
| get the current price |
| fee
| function
| null
| get the current fee |
wallet actions
| action | type | default | description |
| ---------------- | ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------- |
| sendTransfer
| function
| null
| base wallet action |
| connect
| function
| null
| connect to the wallet |
| sendInscribe
| function
| null
| mint & inscribe DRC20 tick |
| sendTransfer
| function
| null
| DRC20 tick transfer |
| sendSwap
| function
| null
| DRC20 swap exchange |
| sendExchange
| function
| null
| DRC20 market exchange |
| sendBox
| function
| null
| send box exchange |
| sendNft
| function
| null
| NFT exchange |
| sendStake
| function
| null
| stake |
| sendPump
| function
| null
| pump swap & transfer |
| sendDoge
| function
| null
| send doge |
| getBalance
| function
| null
| get Dogecoin balance |
| networkChange
| function
| null
| current Dogecoin network |
| accountChange
| function
| null
| address account change |
| currencyChange
| function
| null
| current currency change |
| getBlockNumber
| function
| null
| get the current block number |
| getFee
| function
| null
| retrieve the fee |
| getPrice
| function
| null
| retrieve the price |
| initPriceFee
| function
| null
| initialize the price and fee |