All inclusive customElements polyfill for every browser
Custom Elements Polyfill
This module provides the Custom Elements V1 API as defined by standards, including the ability to extend builtin elements, all in ~2K minified and gzipped / brotlied.
The polyfill gracefully enhances the following minimum versions of at least these browsers, up to their latest version:
- Chrome 38
- Firefox 14
- Opera 25
- Internet Explorer 11 and Edge 12
- Safari 8 and WebKit based
- Samsung Internet 3
How To
Either install this module via npm i @ungap/custom-elements
, and include it in your project, or use a CDN such as unpkg.com to obtain the minified version of this module.
<!-- this should be on top of your HTML <head> scripts -->
<script src="//unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements"></script>
If targeted browsers are ES2015 compatible, the es.js
file would provide the same polyfill, just lighter, as no transpilation is used.
<script src="//unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements/es.js"></script>
If installed as module, please remember to include it on top of your main JS file.
// ESM
import '@ungap/custom-elements';
// CJS
The module will incrementally patch the global window
reference, adding a customElements
object that is compatible with the API.
Source Code
This module simply provides @webreflection/custom-elements module under the ungap umbrella.