This package provides various language translations for ui-grid
UI-Grid i18n
The language packs for UI-Grid. These are needed if you would like to use UI-Grid in a language other than English. Our language support is highly extensive, but also highly dependent on the greater UI-Grid community to remain up-to-date and accurate since the core team does not speak most of the supported languages.
All of the languages provided in this package can be used via the i18nService, which you can use to change the default language, add translations, or change existing translations.
Getting Started
You can install @ui-grid/i18n
npm i --save @ui-grid/i18n
Once you install you need to load the respective JS and CSS files as seen bellow:
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/core/js/ui-grid.core.min.js">
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/i18n/js/ui-grid.language.[YOUR_LANGUAGE_HERE].js"></script>
<!-- Alternatively you can load all languages provided with you grid by loading the following -->
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/i18n/js/ui-grid.language.all.js"></script>
Alternatively, if you are using Webpack or RequireJS to load your dependencies, you can do the following at the top of the file that needs it:
require('@ui-grid/i18n'); // this loads all languages
Once you load the file, the easiest way to set the language is to use the ui-i18n directive in a div that contains the grid. However, only one ui-i18n directive is allowed, so the current language setting is stored in the i18n service (singleton) and there is currently no way to have more than one language per app.
<div ui-i18n="{{lang}}">
Another option to set the language is to use the i18nService and use the setCurrentLang method:
You can find an example of our language packs in action on our website
API Documentation
Documentation for the i18nService is provided in the api documentation.
You can find issues that are specific to localization in UI-Grid by looking for the label grid-i18n in the ui-grid github issues page.