This module provides the ability to export data from ui-grid
UI-Grid Exporter
The exporter plugin for UI-Grid provides the ability to export data from the grid in CSV, Excel, or PDF format. The exporter can export all data, visible data or selected data. It will add menu items to the grid menu, but to use the native UI you need to enable the grid menu using the gridOption enableGridMenu.
To use the exporter you need to include the ui-grid-exporter directive on your grid. If you want to export selected rows and view those menu options you must include the ui-grid-selection directive on your grid. Also, due to the nature of this plugin, it requires some other extarnal dependencies besides angularJS itself, namely csv-js, excel-builder, jszip, lodash, and pdfmake.
Getting Started
You can install @ui-grid/exporter
npm i --save @ui-grid/exporter
Once you install you need to load the respective JS and CSS files as seen bellow:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/@ui-grid/core/css/ui-grid.min.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/@ui-grid/exporter/css/ui-grid.exporter.min.css" type="text/css">
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/core/js/ui-grid.core.min.js">
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/exporter/js/ui-grid.exporter.min.js">
Alternatively, if you are using Webpack or RequireJS to load your dependencies, you can do the following at the top of the file that needs it:
Once you load the file, you need to include 'ui.grid.exporter' module in your angularJS app's dependencies, and add the ui-grid-exporter directive to your grid element.
angular.module('myApp', [
<div ui-grid="$ctrl.gridOptions" ui-grid-exporter>
You can find an example of this plugin in action on our website
API Documentation
Documentation for this plugin is provided in the api documentation, but we recommend that you pay special attention to the following:
You can find issues that are specific to this UI-Grid plugin by looking for the label grid-exporter in the ui-grid github issues page.