Locate images on your screen using template matching in nut.js or standalone
OpenCV 4.1.1 Template Matching Image Finder
It's either standalone or plugin for nutjs project
The best template matcher for node js ever with handlers
- Invariant Rotating
- Over Writing
- Scale Images
- Non Maximum Suppression
Standalone findMatch,findMatches
npm i @udarrr/template-matcher
import finder from "@udarrr/template-matcher";
(async () => {
const matcheImages = await finder.findMatch({haystack: 'pathToImage', needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
const matcheWithScreen = await finder.findMatch({needle: pathToTemplate});
const matchesImages = await finder.findMatches({haystack: 'pathToImage', needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
const matchesWithScreen = await finder.findMatches({needle: 'pathToTemplate'});
@udarrr/template-matcher standalone API
haystack?: string | Image,
needle: string | Image,
confidence?: number,
providerData?: {
methodType?: MethodNameType;
scaleSteps?: Array<number>;
searchMultipleScales: boolean,
isRotation: boolean,
rotationOption?: { range?: number; overLap?: number; minDstLength?: number, subPixEstimation?: boolean };
roi?: Region;
debug?: boolean
Nutjs v3 find,findAll
npm i @udarrr/template-matcher
import { imageResource, screen } from '@nut-tree/nut-js';
import {OptionsSearchParameterType} from '@udarrr/template-matcher/lib/types'
import "@udarrr/template-matcher"; //once wherever
(async () => {
const img = await screen.find<OptionsSearchParameterType>(imageResource("path"),{ providerData: {...}});
const imgs = await screen.findAll<OptionsSearchParameterType>(imageResource("path"),{ providerData: {...}});
@udarrr/template-matcher providerData nutjs v3 Api
searchInput: RegionResultFindInput | Promise<RegionResultFindInput>
params?: {
searchRegion?: Region | Promise<Region> | undefined;
confidence?: number | undefined;
abort?: AbortSignal | undefined;
providerData?: {
methodType?: MethodNameType;
scaleSteps?: Array<number>;
searchMultipleScales: boolean,
isRotation: boolean,
rotationOption?: { range?: number; overLap?: number; minDstLength?: number, subPixEstimation?: boolean };
debug?: boolean;
roi?: Region;
Values by default
methodType: "TM_CCOEFF_NORMED"
scaleSteps: [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
debug: false
searchMultipleScales: true,
isRotation: false,
rotationOption: {
range: 180, //-180 +180
overLap: 0.1, //inverted scale 0.1 = scaleSteps[0.9]
minDstLength: 32, //quality matching up to 4096
subPixEstimation: false //for low quality pics
confidence: 0.8 //0.98 for TM_SQDIFF