Facilitates running cucumber-js tests against browserstack selenium capabilities
BrowserStack/cucumber-js/typescript Utils
This package will dynamically generate npm scripts to run cucumber-tsflow tests against cucumber feature definitions based on device configuration files located in the devices directory. Each feature will be tested against each device.
Note: If a feature file ends in .mobile.feature it will only run against mobile devices. If a feature file ends in .desktop.feature it will only run against desktop devices (osx/windows).
After installing this package, add the following npm scripts:
"cucumber": "./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js",
"test": "npm-run-all --continue-on-error generate-feature-scripts test-features generate-report",
"test-features": "npm-run-all --continue-on-error feature:*",
"generate-feature-scripts": "./node_modules/.bin/generate-feature-scripts",
"generate-report": "node ./node_modules/@ucr/cucumber-browserstack-utils/generate-html-report --openReportInBrowser=false --saveCollectedJSON=true --disableLog=true --pageTitle=\"Report Name\" --displayDuration=true --jsonDir=./out/ --reportPath=./reports/ --projectVersion=1.0.0 --projectName=\"Project Name\""
Expected dir structure:
- conf
- devices
- windows10-chrome.conf.js
- other-device-config.conf.js
- features
- step-definitions
- def1.steps.ts
- def2.steps.ts
- support
- shared-state.ts
- step-base.ts
- test1.feature
- test2.feature