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Common ReactJS components used across the company.
Manual Testing
The best way to test this library manually is to build it and publish it to your local repository (check Verdaccio).
Install Verdaccio
npm install --global verdaccio
Then run it.
You would need set some npm configuration, this is optional.
$ npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
# if you use HTTPS, add an appropriate CA information
# ("null" means get CA list from OS)
$ npm set ca null
Now you can navigate to http://localhost:4873/ where your local packages will be listed and can be searched.
Building and publishing this library
The first thing is to change the version in our package.json
atom package.json
It is a line like this:
"name": "@ucmagency/commons",
"version": "0.0.74", # <----- this number here!
Now you can clean, build and publish it to your local repo.
yarn clean
yearn build
npm publish --registry http://localhost:4873
or you can publish it directly to NPM.
yarn publish --registry https://registry.npmjs.com
And now you can create your test app (using react-create-app maybe?) and add this library as a dependency.