CLI tool for client side projects
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npm i -g @uclif/cli@latest
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General purpose JavaScript CLI created using the open source Oclif framework for automating the setup of new projects or implementing best practices into existing projects.
!!! This is not
another framework or programming language that you'll have to master !!!
Front-end/web-ui development ecosystem has been in an abstraction hell for the past decade. It has proven to be an antithesis to simplicity. This is especially true if you have been a part of an enterprise development team that does not have the freedom to choose its development toolset. Gone are the days when all you needed was a bloody code editor to be able to churn out something useful.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that frameworks like Angular, React etc. have introduced some very innovative paradigms into this space. I am also happy that Javascript has made coding accessible to a lot of people around the world, but it has also introduced several needless abstractions, dumb philosophies and design patterns into it as a result.
I can feel the hairs on my head going white every time I decide to setup a JavaScript project with 200 billion ways of doing the exact same thing and 500 billion different tools to service them that become deprecated the very next day. This is draining, tiresome and a wasteful use of one's time.
I am fatigued by the sheer volume of choices and configurations for JavaScript:
This CLI tool is not a solution but a reaction to all of the above. It is a necesssary evil that is required for me to be able to focus on my product and its functionalities rather than wasting my time on setting up everything else surrounding it.
In simple terms, this tool automates what you can already do manually but it makes your computer do most of the tasks rather than it being the other way around. It eliminates the fatigue of having to choose between so many different things and makes the choices for you so you can get started with your bloody business!
To debug locally :
Publish this package locally for debugging, run npm install
and then run npm run publish-local
You can then invoke the CLI using the command uclif
from any terminal on your machine.
Before raising a PR or preparing for release :
Once you have validated your changes by debugging locally, commit your code and generate a release version before pushing your branch to the remote repository to raise a pull request :
npm run release
Command to Rebuild Azure pipeline templates :
uclif add:azure:template:node --package --packageNameSpace=@uclif --workingDirectory=./cli/ --triggerPathPattern=cli/*
uclif add
uclif add:azure
uclif add:azure:template
uclif add:azure:template:node
uclif add:code-formatter
uclif add:code-linter
uclif add:commit-checks
uclif add:commit-hooks
uclif add:ng
uclif add:ng:app
uclif add:ng:core
uclif add:ng:helpers
uclif add:ng:packages
uclif add:ng:schematics
uclif add:node
uclif add:node:app
uclif add:node:packages
uclif add:react
uclif add:react:app
uclif add:react:packages
uclif modify
uclif modify:base-href
uclif new [NAME]
uclif run
uclif run:ng
uclif run:ng:schematics
uclif version
uclif add
Add items to your workspace.
$ uclif add [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add items to your workspace.
$ uclif add
uclif add:azure
Add items related to Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add items related to Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure
uclif add:azure:template
Add '.YML' templates for Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure:template [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add '.YML' templates for Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure:template
uclif add:azure:template:node
Add Node based '.YML' templates for Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure:template:node [--nonInteractive] [--package] [--nodeVersion <value>] [--variableGroupName <value>]
[--vmImage <value>] [--installParams <value>] [--lintParams <value>] [--testParams <value>] [--buildParams <value>]
[--workingDirectory <value>] [--buildArtifactPath <value>] [--triggerPathPattern <value>] [--trunkBranchName
<value>] [--packageNameSpace <value>] [--packageOrgName <value>] [--packageFeed <value>] [--packageRegistry <value>]
[--packagePublishAuthName <value>] [--packagePublishAuthToken <value>] [--packagePublishPath <value>]
--buildArtifactPath=<value> [default: ./dist] Specify the directory that would contain the generated build
--buildParams=<value> Additional flags or parameters to be added to the 'build' script.
--installParams=<value> Additional flags or parameters to be added to the 'install' command.
--lintParams=<value> Additional flags or parameters to be added to the 'lint' script.
--nodeVersion=<value> [default: 16.15.0] Specify a node version.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--package Set this flag to true if you wish to configure and publish your artifacts as a node
--packageFeed=<value> [default: $(packageFeed)] Package feed id or azure variable name.
--packageNameSpace=<value> [default: @namespace] Specify your package namespace like: @namespace
--packageOrgName=<value> [default: $(packageOrgName)] Organization name or azure variable name.
--packagePublishAuthName=<value> [default: $(packagePublishAuthName)] User name to access your package registry or
azure variable name.
--packagePublishAuthToken=<value> [default: $(packagePublishAuthToken)] Password to access your package registry or
azure variable name.
--packagePublishPath=<value> [default: ./] Specify the relative path of the directory that needs to be published
as a node package.
--packageRegistry=<value> [default: $(packageRegistry)] Package registry path or azure variable name.
--testParams=<value> Additional flags or parameters to be added to the 'test' script.
--triggerPathPattern=<value> Specify a glob pattern if you only wish to trigger the pipline for changes under a
specific directory (optional).
--trunkBranchName=<value> [default: master] Specify a name for your trunk branch.
--variableGroupName=<value> Specify the name of your Azure variable group if any.
--vmImage=<value> [default: ubuntu-latest] Specify the type of virtual machine you wish to use.
--workingDirectory=<value> [default: ./] If your project is in a sub directory, specify its relative path from
the root.
Add Node based '.YML' templates for Microsoft Azure DevOps.
$ uclif add:azure:template:node
uclif add:code-formatter
Add the 'prettier' library to automatically format and beautify your code.
$ uclif add:code-formatter [--nonInteractive] [--autoFormatOnSave <value>] [--addCommitHook <value>]
[--organizeImportsOnSave <value>] [--formatter <value>] [--tabSize <value>]
--addCommitHook=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish add a pre-commit hook to
automatically format your code.
--autoFormatOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically format your
code when you save a file.
--formatter=<value> [default: esbenp.prettier-vscode] Formatter used by VS Code to format: typescript,
html or css files.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--organizeImportsOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically organize the
import statements when you save a file.
--tabSize=<value> [default: 2] Tab size to be enforced.
Add the 'prettier' library to automatically format and beautify your code.
$ uclif add:code-formatter
uclif add:code-linter
Add the 'eslint' library to find logical, semantic or type issues in your code.
$ uclif add:code-linter [--nonInteractive] [--addCommitHook <value>] [--autoLintOnSave <value>]
--addCommitHook=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish add a pre-commit hook to check for lint
--autoLintOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically lint your code when
you save a file.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add the 'eslint' library to find logical, semantic or type issues in your code.
$ uclif add:code-linter
uclif add:commit-checks
Sequentially runs 'add:commit-hooks' => 'add:code-linter' => 'add:code-formatter'
$ uclif add:commit-checks [--nonInteractive] [--projectPath <value>] [--relativeGitFolderPath <value>]
[--autoLintOnSave <value>] [--autoFormatOnSave <value>] [--organizeImportsOnSave <value>] [--formatter <value>]
[--tabSize <value>]
--autoFormatOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically format your
code when you save a file.
--autoLintOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically lint your code
when you save a file.
--formatter=<value> [default: esbenp.prettier-vscode] Formatter used by VS Code to format: typescript,
html or css files.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--organizeImportsOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically organize the
import statements when you save a file.
--projectPath=<value> Relative path of your project directory from your repository's
root directory. For e.g - 'some-directory/project-directory'
--relativeGitFolderPath=<value> Relative path of your repository's '.git' directory
from your project directory. For e.g - '../../../'
--tabSize=<value> [default: 2] Tab size to be enforced.
Sequentially runs 'add:commit-hooks' => 'add:code-linter' => 'add:code-formatter'
$ uclif add:commit-checks
uclif add:commit-hooks
Add the 'husky' library to generate commit hooks to validate code sanity before commits are created and pushed.
$ uclif add:commit-hooks [--nonInteractive] [--projectPath <value>] [--relativeGitFolderPath <value>]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--projectPath=<value> Relative path of your project directory from your repository's
root directory. For e.g - 'some-directory/project-directory'
--relativeGitFolderPath=<value> Relative path of your repository's '.git' directory
from your project directory. For e.g - '../../../'
Add the 'husky' library to generate commit hooks to validate code sanity before commits are created and pushed.
$ uclif add:commit-hooks
uclif add:ng
Add items related to the Angular ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng [--nonInteractive] [--core <value>] [--schematics <value>] [--hybridAppName <value>]
[--hostAppName <value>] [--remoteAppName <value>] [--regularAppName <value>] [--libraryName <value>] [--styleType
<value>] [--unitTestRunner <value>] [--endToEndTestRunner <value>]
--core=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Core package supported by this CLI.
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: none] Available end to end test runners - cypress | none
--hostAppName=<value> Name for 'host' application in 'kebab-case'
--hybridAppName=<value> Name for 'ionic' application in 'kebab-case'
--libraryName=<value> Name for Angular 'library' in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--regularAppName=<value> Name for 'regular' Angular application in 'kebab-case'
--remoteAppName=<value> Name for 'remote' application in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--schematics=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Schematics package supported by this CLI.
--styleType=<value> [default: scss] Available style types - scss | css
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add items related to the Angular ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng
uclif add:ng:app
Add new Angular applications to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng:app [--nonInteractive] [--hybridAppName <value>] [--hostAppName <value>] [--remoteAppName
<value>] [--libraryName <value>] [--regularAppName <value>] [--styleType <value>] [--unitTestRunner <value>]
[--endToEndTestRunner <value>]
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: none] Available end to end test runners - cypress | none
--hostAppName=<value> Name for 'host' application in 'kebab-case'
--hybridAppName=<value> Name for 'ionic' application in 'kebab-case'
--libraryName=<value> Name for Angular 'library' in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--regularAppName=<value> Name for 'regular' Angular application in 'kebab-case'
--remoteAppName=<value> Name for 'remote' application in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--styleType=<value> [default: scss] Available style types - scss | css
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add new Angular applications to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng:app
uclif add:ng:core
Add Uclif Core package to import commonly used Angular modules.
$ uclif add:ng:core [--nonInteractive] [-v <value>]
-v, --version=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Core package supported by this CLI.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add Uclif Core package to import commonly used Angular modules.
$ uclif add:ng:core
uclif add:ng:helpers
Sequentially runs 'add:ng:core' => 'add:ng:schematics'
$ uclif add:ng:helpers [--nonInteractive] [--core <value>] [--schematics <value>]
--core=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Core package supported by this CLI.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--schematics=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Schematics package supported by this CLI.
Sequentially runs 'add:ng:core' => 'add:ng:schematics'
$ uclif add:ng:helpers
uclif add:ng:packages
Add Nx Angular packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng:packages [--nonInteractive] [--hybrid <value>]
--hybrid=<value> [default: false] Set this flag to add Nx Ionic Angular extension.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add Nx Angular packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:ng:packages
uclif add:ng:schematics
Add Uclif Schematics for generating Angular code.
$ uclif add:ng:schematics [--nonInteractive] [-v <value>]
-v, --version=<value> Overrides default version for Uclif Schematics package supported by this CLI.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add Uclif Schematics for generating Angular code.
$ uclif add:ng:schematics
uclif add:node
Add items related to the Node ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:node [--nonInteractive] [--name <value>] [--port <value>] [--framework <value>]
[--unitTestRunner <value>] [--endToEndTestRunner <value>] [--bundler <value>] [--frontendProject <value>]
--bundler=<value> [default: esbuild] Available bundlers - esbuild | webpack
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available end to end test runners - jest | none
--framework=<value> [default: express] Available node frameworks - express | fastify | koa | nest | none
--frontendProject=<value> Frontend project that needs to access this application. This sets up proxy
--name=<value> Name of you NodeJS application
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--port=<value> [default: 3000] The port which the server will be run on
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add items related to the Node ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:node
uclif add:node:app
Add a basic NodeJS + Express application that uses TypeScript
$ uclif add:node:app [--nonInteractive] [--name <value>] [--port <value>] [--framework <value>]
[--unitTestRunner <value>] [--endToEndTestRunner <value>] [--bundler <value>] [--frontendProject <value>]
--bundler=<value> [default: esbuild] Available bundlers - esbuild | webpack
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available end to end test runners - jest | none
--framework=<value> [default: express] Available node frameworks - express | fastify | koa | nest | none
--frontendProject=<value> Frontend project that needs to access this application. This sets up proxy
--name=<value> Name of you NodeJS application
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--port=<value> [default: 3000] The port which the server will be run on
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add a basic NodeJS + Express application that uses TypeScript
$ uclif add:node:app
uclif add:node:packages
Add Nx Node packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:node:packages [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add Nx Node packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:node:packages
uclif add:react
Add items related to the React ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react [--nonInteractive] [--core <value>] [--schematics <value>] [--hybridAppName <value>]
[--hostAppName <value>] [--remoteAppName <value>] [--regularAppName <value>] [--libraryName <value>] [--styleType
<value>] [--unitTestRunner <value>] [--endToEndTestRunner <value>]
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: none] Available end to end test runners - cypress | none
--hostAppName=<value> Name for 'host' application in 'kebab-case'
--hybridAppName=<value> Name for 'React Native' application in 'kebab-case'
--libraryName=<value> Name for React 'library' in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--regularAppName=<value> Name for 'regular' React application in 'kebab-case'
--remoteAppName=<value> Name for 'remote' application in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--styleType=<value> [default: scss] Available style types - scss | css
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add items related to the React ecosystem into your existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react
uclif add:react:app
Add new React applications to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react:app [--nonInteractive] [--hybridAppName <value>] [--hostAppName <value>] [--remoteAppName
<value>] [--libraryName <value>] [--regularAppName <value>] [--styleType <value>] [--unitTestRunner <value>]
[--endToEndTestRunner <value>]
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: none] Available end to end test runners - cypress | none
--hostAppName=<value> Name for 'host' application in 'kebab-case'
--hybridAppName=<value> Name for 'React Native' application in 'kebab-case'
--libraryName=<value> Name for React 'library' in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--regularAppName=<value> Name for 'regular' React application in 'kebab-case'
--remoteAppName=<value> Name for 'remote' application in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--styleType=<value> [default: scss] Available style types - scss | css
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Add new React applications to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react:app
uclif add:react:packages
Add Nx React packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react:packages [--nonInteractive] [--hybrid <value>]
--hybrid=<value> [default: false] Set this flag to add Nx React Native extension.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Add Nx React packages to an existing Nx workspace.
$ uclif add:react:packages
uclif modify
Modify items in your workspace.
$ uclif modify [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Modify items in your workspace.
$ uclif modify
uclif modify:base-href
Change the base => href attribute in an existing 'index.html' file.
$ uclif modify:base-href [--nonInteractive] [--htmlRoot <value>] [--baseHref <value>]
--baseHref=<value> Path to be added as a 'base-href' attribute.
--htmlRoot=<value> Path to the directory containing the 'index.html' at its root.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Change the base => href attribute in an existing 'index.html' file.
$ uclif modify:base-href
uclif new [NAME]
Create new Client Project Nx Workspace.
$ uclif new [NAME] [--nonInteractive] [--nx <value>] [--framework <value>] [--hybridAppName <value>]
[--hostAppName <value>] [--remoteAppName <value>] [--regularAppName <value>] [--libraryName <value>] [--styleType
<value>] [--unitTestRunner <value>] [--endToEndTestRunner <value>] [--core <value>] [--schematics <value>]
[--addCommitChecks <value>] [--projectPath <value>] [--relativeGitFolderPath <value>] [--autoLintOnSave <value>]
[--autoFormatOnSave <value>] [--organizeImportsOnSave <value>] [--formatter <value>] [--tabSize <value>]
NAME Name of the new Client Project Nx Workspace
--addCommitChecks=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do no wish to add commit validations
--autoFormatOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically format your
code when you save a file.
--autoLintOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically lint your code
when you save a file.
--core=<value> Override package version for organization specific client core modules.
--endToEndTestRunner=<value> [default: none] Available end to end test runners - cypress | none
--formatter=<value> [default: esbenp.prettier-vscode] Formatter used by VS Code to format: typescript,
html or css files.
--framework=<value> [default: angular] Available framework types - angular | vue | react | typescript
--hostAppName=<value> Name for 'host' application in 'kebab-case'
--hybridAppName=<value> Name for 'ionic' application in 'kebab-case'
--libraryName=<value> Name for Angular 'library' in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--nx=<value> [default: 15.0.0] Compatible versions of Nx: >=14.0.0 and <=17.0.0
--organizeImportsOnSave=<value> [default: true] Set this to false if you do not wish to automatically organize the
import statements when you save a file.
--projectPath=<value> Relative path of your project directory from your repository's
root directory. For e.g - 'some-directory/project-directory'
--regularAppName=<value> Name for 'regular' Angular application in 'kebab-case'
--relativeGitFolderPath=<value> Relative path of your repository's '.git' directory
from your project directory. For e.g - '../../../'
--remoteAppName=<value> Name for 'remote' application in 'kebab-case'. Comma separated for multiple entries
--schematics=<value> Override package version for organization specific client schematics library.
--styleType=<value> [default: scss] Available style types - scss | css
--tabSize=<value> [default: 2] Tab size to be enforced.
--unitTestRunner=<value> [default: jest] Available unit test runners - jest | none
Create new Client Project Nx Workspace.
$ uclif new
uclif run
Run custom tools, generators, schematics etc.
$ uclif run [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Run custom tools, generators, schematics etc.
$ uclif run
uclif run:ng
Run custom tools, generators or schematics for the Angular ecosystem.
$ uclif run:ng [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Run custom tools, generators or schematics for the Angular ecosystem.
$ uclif run:ng
uclif run:ng:schematics
Run Ng Schematics for an existing Angular application.
$ uclif run:ng:schematics [--nonInteractive] [--schema <value>] [--appName <value>] [--schemaRunnerFlag <value>]
--appName=<value> If your workspace has multiple apps, specify the name of the app for which you
would like to run the schema.
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
--schema=<value> Name of the schema you
would like to run from - @uclif/ng-schematics
--schemaRunnerFlag=<value> Any flag that you wish to pass into the Angular Schematics CLI runner.
Run Ng Schematics for an existing Angular application.
$ uclif run:ng:schematics
uclif version
Display the installed version of uclif.
$ uclif version [--nonInteractive]
--nonInteractive Set this flag to skip all the user prompts rendered in the console.
Display the installed version of uclif.
$ uclif version