UCD Library React component library
A React component library for UCD Library apps.
This library was built using Storybook as a sandbox for component development. Storybook runs outside of your app and allows us to develop components in isolation.
We organize components into 3 categories:
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Organisms
See Brad Frost's Atomic Design for more details.
Get the development instance running:
npm i -g @storybook/cli
cd path/to/lib-ui
npm start
That's all! You can now start messing with the styles and components in /src.
Using the library locally
If you want to import this node module into a local sandbox app for testing without having to publish to NPM, then do this in the lib-ui directory:
npm run build
npm link
This installs the current build to your local global node_modules directory. You can now install this local build into any project like so:
npm i --save absolute/file/system/path/to/your/global/node_modules/@ucd-lib/lib-ui
Now you can import the theme and components into your React app. See Usage section below for details.
- Include the theme styles and fonts.
Note: Don't forget to remove or override the default styles if you used create-react-app to bootstrap your app.
// In your React entry point (Example: index.js if you used create-react-app)
import '@ucd-lib/lib-ui/src/theme/theme.css';
- Using components
// In a React component
import { Atoms } from '@ucd-lib/lib-ui';
export const MyReactApp = ({}) => (