Client for monitoring
Monitoring Client for NodeJS
- Easy to create store where user can measure custom metrics.
- Default metrics of node can be measured
- Default labels can be set for all metrics
- Supported custom metrics : Counter, Gauge and Histogram
createStore :
- Used to create store which is further used to register custom metrics
- Params
- store name
- defaultLabels : labels that are added to every metrics
- isCollectNodeMetrics : to add node server metrics to given store
registerMetric :
- Used to register metric with given store
- Params : store name for given metric and metric properties
exportMetrics :
- Used to get all the metrics in prometheus exposition format with contentType
- Params : store name for which metrics are required
Create store (with default labels and node metrics)
Mycroft.createStore({ storeName: 'store-name', defaultLabels: defaultLabels, isCollectNodeMetrics: true });
Register custom counter metric for a give store
Mycroft.registerMetric.counter('store_1', { name: 'counter-metric', labelNames: ['label_1'], help: 'help message' });
Measure custom metric for a given store
Mycroft.incMetric('store_1', 'counter_metric', { label_1: 'label_1' });
Export metrics for a given store
{ metrics : 'all metrics in prometheus exposition format' contentType: 'content type information' }
Three types of metric are offered: Counter, Gauge and Histogram.
Use it to monitor metrics which gets incremented by only one and further analysis can be performed based on the value. Example => number of errors occurred for http service request
Mycroft.registerMetric.counter('store_1', {
name: 'http_request_error_metric',
labelNames: ['service', 'route', 'error_type'],
help: 'Count of errors'
Mycroft.incMetric('store_1', 'http_request_error_metric', {
service: 'service_1',
route: '/functionCall',
error_type: 'null pointer exception'
Use it to monitor metrics which can vary at any time. Example => how much time it took to complete a request. If you want the granular details like 95% or 99% percentile use Histogram.
Mycroft.registerMetric.gauge('store_1', {
name: 'http_request_lag_metric',
labelNames: ['service', 'route'],
help: 'Time took to complete service in ms'
Mycroft.setMetric('store_1', 'http_request_lag_duration_millisecond', {
service: 'service_1',
route: '/functionCall'
}, 1000);
Use it to track the size and number of events in buckets. This allows for aggregative calculation of quantiles. Caution : Using histogram can make the cardinality very high as buckets are stored as one label in metric itself.
Mycroft.registerMetric.histogram('store_1', {
name: 'http_request_lag_metric',
labelNames: ['service', 'route'],
help: 'Time took to complete service in ms',
buckets: [50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000, 5000, 10000, 30000, 60000]
Mycroft.setMetric('store_1', 'http_request_lag_duration_millisecond', {
service: 'service_1',
route: '/functionCall'
}, 1000);