UBuilder Auth
UBuilder Auth
UBuilder Auth 8.x not compatible with version 7.x.
- User authentication and autorization.
Authorized request should use Auth.rest() (vue3) or this.$rest (vue2).
npm i @ubuilder/auth
// vue 3
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Auth from '@ubuilder/auth';
const app = createApp(...);
const options = {/* plugin options */};
app.use(Auth, options);
// vue 2
import Vue from 'vue';
import Auth from '@ubuilder/auth-vue2';
Vue.use(Auth, options);
- baseURL: string - Base URL for UBuilder auth server. Default value is '/api/auth'.
- apiURL: string - Base URL for API server. Default value is '/'. If restOptions.baseURL exists, this option has no effect.
- storageKey: string - LocalStorage key for current user. Default value is 'ubuilder:user'.
- authPrefix: string - Prefix for provide and inject. Default value is '' (empty string).
- onUserChanged: (user) => void - handler for user changed.
- restOptions: RestOptions - options for rest call.
When using multiple instance with authPrefix, must set X-UBAuth header to authPrefix value.
- auth: Auth - Auth API
- rest: Rest API with authentication.
- user: User - Current user
- function onUserChanged((user) => unknown, authPrefix?: string)
Using inject function. These functions always returns instance. When authPrefix instance not exists, returns no-op or anonymous.
import { useAuth, useRest, currentUser, onUserChanged } from '@ubuilder/auth';
const auth = useAuth();
const rest = useRest();
const user = currentUser();
onUserChanged((user) => { /* do with user changed */ });
Using vanilla vue inject.
import type { Auth, Rest, User } from '@ubuilder/auth';
const auth = inject<Auth>('auth');
const rest = inject<Rest>('rest');
const user = inject<User>('user');
Vue 2 options API.
- $auth - Auth API
- $rest - Rest API
- $user - current User
Auth API
- login(username: string, password: string, remember?: boolean): Promise<User> - login process
- login(request: LoginRequest): Promise<User> - login process with request.
- logout(): Promise<void> - logout process
- changePassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string): Promise<void> - change current user's password. After change password, all session will logout.
- currentUser(): User - get current reactive user. If not logged in, returns anonymous user - check by isLoggedIn property.
- rest(): Rest - get @ubuilder/rest API for authorized API request.
- initialized(): Promise<void> - for waiting initial auth refresh.
- refreshToken(): Promise<void> - refresh current user's token manually.
User interface
- token: string - Access token for UBuilder server.
- expireAt: number - token expire time
- sessionExpireAt: number - session expire time
- authorities: string[] - array of authority.
- details: Record<string, unknown> - UserDetails from UBuidler auth server.
- isLoggedIn: boolean - determine user is logged in.
- hasAuthority(authority?: string): boolean - determine user has authority. When needs track user changes, should use computed.