Figma team styles converted to code-ready css tokens
Internal library and private NPM package used to pull figma team styles from API and export them into code-ready typescript & css tokens.
Generating tokens
Want to convert figma values to code-ready tokens ? Here's how to do it!
This project uses typescript with Bun
under the hood. Thats it!
Install it by following their Installation guide.
Clone the repository to your machine
git clone https://github.com/UbloImmo/front-tokens.git
Install all package dependencies
bun install
Environment setup
Duplicate the provided .env.example
cp .env.example .env
And populate is values.
| Variable name | Value | Description | Required |
| FIGMA_TOKEN | String | Personal figma API token | true
| FIGMA_TEAM_ID | String | Figma team ID | true
| FIGMA_FILE_URLS | CSV String | figma files URLS to filter team styles | false
is not specified, all exported team styles will be converted to tokens.
Updating tokens manually from the command line
Fetch styles from figma API and export tokens
bun update
Exported tokens are located in /lib
directory under the following files and values.
| File name | Exported constants | Type | Description |
| /lib/tokens.all.ts
| tokens | readonly Token[]
| Array of all exported tokens |
| /lib/tokens.collection.ts
| TEXT | readonly TokenOrGroupCollection
| Hierarchy of all text tokens and token groups |
| | GRADIENT | readonly TokenOrGroupCollection
| Hierarchy of all gradient tokens and token groups |
| | COLOR | readonly TokenOrGroupCollection
| Hierarchy of all color tokens and token groups |
| | EFFECT | readonly TokenOrGroupCollection
| Hierarchy of all effect tokens and token groups |
| | ASSET | readonly TokenOrGroupCollection
| Hierarchy of all asset tokens and token groups |
| /lib/tokens.values.ts
| texts | readonly TokenValues
| Nested object containing all text tokens. |
| | gradients | readonly TokenValues
| Nested object containing all gradient tokens. |
| | colors | readonly TokenValues
| Nested object containing all color tokens. |
| | effects | readonly TokenValues
| Nested object containing all effect tokens. |
| | assets | readonly TokenValues
| Nested object containing all asset tokens. |
| /lib/index.ts
| All of the above | | |
Updating tokens from CI/CI pipeline
This repository already contains the update.yml
GitHub workflow file
for all your automated updating needs.
Note: The workflow only runs when triggered manually through the repository's Actions tab.
Pipeline steps
The pipeline fetches the most recent changes made to sourced figma files
and generates new code-ready tokens if needed.
If changes have been detected, a new commit will be made to main
along with a version bump.
The resulting generated files will be published to NPM and a new Release will be made available.
Running an update from CI
Go to update.yml
's GitHub Action page and click on Run workflow.
Consuming generated tokens
Generated tokens are made available to third-party Javascript / Typescript projects through a private NPM package.
Install the package with the package manager of your choice
npm install @ubloimmo/front-tokens
# Yarn
yarn add @ubloimmo/front-tokens
# Bun
bun add @ubloimmo/front-tokens
Import the generated tokens in your code...
Note: Imports are tree-shakable, refer to the Exports section for more information
// Token groups and values, with detailed group information
import { COLOR, GRADIENT, EFFECT, ASSET, TEXT } from "@ubloimmo/front-tokens";
// Token groups and values, without detailed group information
import { colors, gradients, assets, texts, effects } from "@ubloimmo/front-tokens"
// Array containing all generated tokens, without grouping
import { tokens } from "@ubloimmo/front-tokens"
...and use them in your code
import { texts } from "@ubloimmo/front-tokens";
const isMobile: boolean = getIsMobile();
const SmallFontSize = texts[isMobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"].small.css.style.fontSize;
React component
import { colors } from "@ubloimmo/front-tokens";
import { useState, useMemo, useCallback } from "react";
const MyComponent = () => {
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false);
const color = useMemo(
() => isActive
? colors.ublo.main.value // rgba(90, 55, 216, 1)
: colors.black.medium.value, // rgba(22, 22, 22, 1)
const toggleActive = useCallback(
() => setIsActive(!isActive),
[setIsActive, isActive]
return (
style={{ color }}
My text
import { texts, effects } from "@ubloimmo/tokens"
const H1 = styled.h1`
${texts.Desktop.H1.css.rules} // font-family: Avenir;\nfont-weight: 500;\nfont-size: 2.5rem;\nfont-style: normal;\ntext-indent: unset;\ntext-decoration: none;\ntext-transform: unset;\nline-height: 2.6524999618530276rem%;\nletter-spacing: -0.0625rem;\ntext-overflow: unset;\ntext-align: left;\nvertical-align: left;\nfont-feature-settings: normal;
const H1WithShadow = styled(H1)`
box-shadow: ${effects.upfront.css.style.boxShadow}