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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Ubirch UPP Verification Widget to verify that given data, JSON or hash has been anchored in several blockchains





Ubirch UPP Verification Widget

Project structure

  • dist - folder with Webpack build output
  • dist/blockchain-assets - folder with configuration and icons for ubirch blockchain anchors
  • index.html - verification usage instructions and examples
  • webpack.config.js - Webpack configuration file
  • index.ts - widget entry point

Installing from NPM.

npm i @ubirch/ubirch-verification-widget

Building from sources.

npm install

npm run build:prod This will bundle a js file for the browser into /dist directory.

NPM scripts


Run on localhost

npm run serve:local


npm run build:local
npm run build:prod



You have anchored a JSON in the ubirch environment.


  1. params in the JSON have to be ordered alphabetically, no spaces
  2. the widget will verify against the UBIRCH prod system per default (otherwise you need to set the stage in the constructor, see following instructions)

widget's host element

Add a div tag to your html page in which the widget / the result of the verification will be displayed. Specify id of that div and push that selector to the elementSelector of the UbirchVerification constructor.

<div id="verification-widget"></div>
    const ubirchVerification = new UbirchVerification({
        elementSelector: '#verification-widget'

Example on Browser

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Ubirch Verification Widget</title>
      <div class="input-field">
        <label for="json-input">JSON:</label>
        <textarea rows="10" cols="80" placeholder="" type="text" id="json-input"></textarea>
      <button id="verify-json">Verify JSON</button>

      <div id="verification-widget">

    <script src="../dist/ubirch-verification-widget.min.js"></script>
    <!--  Use this if installed from NPM -->
    <!--  <script src="../node_modules/@ubirch/ubirch-verification-widget/dist/ubirch-verification-widget.min.js"></script> -->
      let ubirchVerification;
      document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        // create UbirchVerification instance
        ubirchVerification = new UbirchVerification({
          algorithm: 'sha256',
          elementSelector: '#verification-widget',

      // verify JSON button click listener
      document.getElementById('verify-json').addEventListener('click', function() {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          // handle the error yourself and inform user about the missing fields
          msg = "JSON Verification failed!\n";

UbirchVerification instance

const ubirchVerification = new UbirchVerification({
    algorithm: 'sha512',
    elementSelector: '#verification-widget',
    state: 'demo',  // OTIONAL!!
    language: 'en',  // OPTIONAL!!


  • algorithm is hashing algorithm you need (possible values: sha256, sha512 )
  • elementSelector is widget's host element selector (id), e.g. #verification-widget
  • stage optional param to set UBRICH stage against which widget tries to verify; currently available: 'dev'/'demo'/'prod'/'local'; default stage is 'prod'
  • language optional param to set language of widget strings; currently available: 'de'/'en'; default language is 'de'
  • HIGHLIGHT_PAGE_AFTER_VERIFICATION optional param, if set to true the whole page will be highlighted green or red for a short time interval depending on success or failure of the verification; done by changing the style of the HTML element on the page: classes 'flashgreen' or 'flashred' (need to be defined in css of the page!) are added and removed after some seconds; default: false

Verify JSON

If you have the anchored JSON (generated yourself or by using createJsonFromInputs, see below) you can verify the JSON by

verifyJSON( {{ your JSON }} )

Hint: the params of the JSON do not need to be alphabetically ordered here, but before hashing the JSON they will be ordered and trimmed.

So, if you anchor a document manually be sure to ordered the params in the JSON alphabetically and remove all spaces.

Hint: historically some things are anchored in a JSON without alphabetically ordered params. In this case structure the JSON as it is anchored and call it with optional sort param:

verifyJSON( {{ your JSON }}, false )

Verify hash

You can verify the hashed JSON directly by

verifyHash( {{ your hash }} )

Attention: use the hashing algorithm defined in the UbirchVerification constructor's algorithm field

Helper: Sort and trim JSON

Helper function to sort (recursively, if not prevented) and trim JSON

ubirchVerification.formatJSON( {{ jsonStr JSON }}, {{ sortorder boolean = true }});


  • jsonStr is the JSON e.g. in prettyprint format and keys in any order
  • sortorder Optional! Default: true; set to false if the keys should not be sorted (recursively)

THis function is called from verifyJSON. This call can be used for debugging or testing to check which string is generated from given JSON data before hashing and verifying.

Generate hash from JSON

Helper function to generate hash from JSON (for debugging or testing).

ubirchVerification.createHash( {{ jsonStr JSON }} );

Before hashing the params of the JSON will be ordered and trimmed by calling ubirchVerification.formatJSON. Then the JSON will be hashed with the hash algorithm defined in ubirchVerification constructor's algorithm field

Set text message

Beneath setting the language of the widget you can set an individual message:

ubirchVerification.setMessageString( {{ key }}, {{ info text }}, {{ header (optional) }} )


    'No blockchain anchor for given data\nPlease check your inserted data', 'Verification Failed!');


  • FAIL

Ubirch Form Verification

There is a convenient SubClass ubirchFormVerification for a verification based on a form with input fields. It's also part of the verification.js lib. It provides following functionality:

  • get params as string from fragment OR - if no fragment set - from query of url
  • insert params into form fields
  • check if form fields are filled
  • Create JSON certificate from form fields

Insert verification.js

Same as for UbirchVerification widget

Create a UbirchFormVerification instance

const ubirchFormVerification = new UbirchFormVerification({
  algorithm: 'sha512',
  elementSelector: '#verification-widget',
  state: 'demo',  // OTIONAL!!
  language: 'en',  // OPTIONAL!!

  formIds: ["pid", "tid", "td", "tt", "tr"]
  paramsFormIdsMapping: ["probenId", "testId", "testDate", "testTime", "testResult"],  // OPTIONAL!!


Same as for UbirchVerification widget. Additional:

  • formIds string array with param ids used in the anchored JSON

    • here the id's can be added in any order; attention: in the anchored JSON document the id's have to be in alphabetical order!
    • attention: you must not use id "id" (TYPO3 uses this id for routing and ignores query string if it contains an id "id")
  • paramsFormIdsMapping optional param, used if query/fragment params need to be mapped on form field ids

    • historical reasons e.g. needed if form is called from a QR code with url params for the form BUT the param names are different from the JSON params that are anchored
    • the formIds are mapped to the paramsFormIdsMapping at the array index -> formIds and paramsFormIdsMapping have to have the same length
  • CHECK_FORM_FILLED optional param

    • default: true; if NOT set the form is checked for that all fields are filled and verification is not processed and user gets informed about the missing fields
    • if set to false no check is performed and verification is processed with incomplete data

create form

Create a form on the page with input fields for the params of the verification document. For every required param define an input field; set the param id as id of the input:



<div class="input-field">
  <input type="text" id="did">
  <label for="did">DocumentID:</label>
<div class="input-field">
  <input type="text" id="fn">
  <label for="fn">Firstname:</label>
<div class="input-field">
  <input type="text" id="ln">
  <label for="ln">Lastname:</label>

get params from fragment OR query of url (optional)

  • Tries to read params from curl as a string
  • IF fragment is given the params are read from fragment
  • IF NO fragment is given the params are tried be read from query string


    var paramStr = ubirchFormVerification.getFormParamsFromUrl(window);

Insert params into form (optional)

If you want to insert given params (test data as string OR read from url) into form fields you can call setDataIntoForm:

const paramStr = "pid=9ceb5551-d006-4648-8cf7-c7b1a1ddccb1&tid=FGXC-CL11-KDKC-P9XC-74MM&td=2020-06-12&tt=11:00:00&tr=negativ";
ubirchFormVerification.setDataIntoForm(paramStr, document);

You can add an optional parameter to define the separator e.g. if you get params from fragment. The whole string is search in the paramStr, so you can e.g. define "%SEP%" as the separator between params. Default is "&" which is the normal separator for query params.

const paramStr = "pid=9ceb5551-d006-4648-8cf7-c7b1a1ddccb1;tid=FGXC-CL11-KDKC-P9XC-74MM;td=2020-06-12;tt=11:00:00;tr=negativ";
ubirchFormVerification.setDataIntoForm(paramStr, document, ';');

In addition if your call contains normal text - possibly containing commas - please set the second optional parameter to define a custom separator to divide array elements given in the url query or fragment; default is "," but this can lead into problems if normal text - possibly containing commas - has been anchored

ubirchFormVerification.setDataIntoForm(paramStr, document, ';', '%NXT%');

Generate JSON from input fields

If you have a form with input fields for all params you can create the JSON document by calling getJsonFromInputs.

  • in the created JSON all params are put together that are defined in constructors formIds parameter

  • the values are taken from the input fields with the same id

  • checks if form is filled completely; throws an IUbirchFormError, if any fields are empty

  • IUbirchFormError.missingIds contains a list of all missing ids

  • handle the error yourself and inform user about the missing fields

  • if no error occurs the created JSON is returned; then you can verify the JSON by verifyJSON in a separate step.

      try {
        const genJson = ubirchFormVerification.getJsonFromInputs(document);
        ubirchFormVerification.verifyJSON( genJson );
      } catch (e) {
              id => // handle missing field

Widget Configuration

Environment Settings

In the environments the following settings should be set:

  • verify_api_url - Server URL for the verification request for every stage (local, dev, demo, prod)
  • console_verify_url - Server URL to open details in the console web app verification page for every stage (local, dev, demo, prod)

How To Add New Blockchains

  1. Add new Blockchain settings to the blockchain-assets/blockchain-settings.json:

    "new-blx-name": { "nodeIcon": "new-blx_verify_right.png", "explorerUrl": { "testnet": { "url": "" }, "mainnet": { "url": "" } } },

  2. Add new Blockchain icon to the folder blockchain-assets/blockchain-icons

  3. Add require statement for the new Blockchain icon in the index.ts:

    const icons: Map<string, any> = new Map([ ['ubirch_verify_right.png', require('../blockchain-assets/blockchain-icons/ubirch_verify_right.png')], ['ubirch_verify_wrong.png', require('../blockchain-assets/blockchain-icons/ubirch_verify_wrong.png')], ... ['blx_verify_right.png', require('../blockchain-assets/blockchain-icons/blx_verify_right.png')], ]);