WASI polyfill for browser and some wasm util
WebAssembly related utils for browser environment
The output code is ES2019
All example code below need to be bundled by ES module bundlers like webpack
/ rollup
, or specify import map in browser native ES module runtime.
WASI polyfill for browser
The API is similar to the require('wasi').WASI
in Node.js.
You can use memfs-browser
to provide filesystem capability.
import { load, WASI } from '@tybys/wasm-util'
import { Volume, createFsFromVolume } from 'memfs-browser'
const fs = createFsFromVolume(Volume.fromJSON({
'/home/wasi': null
const wasi = new WASI({
args: ['chrome', 'file.wasm'],
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'development',
WASI_SDK_PATH: '/opt/wasi-sdk'
preopens: {
'/': '/'
// redirect stdout / stderr
// print (text) { console.log(text) },
// printErr (text) { console.error(text) }
const imports = {
wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport
const { module, instance } = await load('/path/to/file.wasm', imports)
// wasi.initialize(instance)
Implemented syscalls: wasi_snapshot_preview1
/ loadSync
has 4KB wasm size limit in browser.
// bundler
import { load, loadSync } from '@tybys/wasm-util'
const imports = { /* ... */ }
// using path
const { module, instance } = await load('/path/to/file.wasm', imports)
const { module, instance } = loadSync('/path/to/file.wasm', imports)
// using URL
const { module, instance } = await load(new URL('./file.wasm', import.meta.url), imports)
const { module, instance } = loadSync(new URL('./file.wasm', import.meta.url), imports)
// using Uint8Array
const buffer = new Uint8Array([
0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
const { module, instance } = await load(buffer, imports)
const { module, instance } = loadSync(buffer, imports)
// auto asyncify
const {
instance: asyncifiedInstance
} = await load(buffer, imports, { /* asyncify options */})
asyncifiedInstance.exports.fn() // => return Promise
Extend Memory instance
import { Memory, extendMemory } from '@tybys/wasm-util'
const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 256 })
// const memory = instance.exports.memory
console.log(memory instanceof Memory)
console.log(memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)
// expose memory view getters like Emscripten
const { HEAPU8, HEAPU32, view } = memory
Asyncify wrap
Build the C code using clang
, wasm-ld
and wasm-opt
void async_sleep(int ms);
int main() {
return 0;
import { Asyncify } from '@tybys/wasm-util'
const asyncify = new Asyncify()
const imports = {
env: {
async_sleep: asyncify.wrapImportFunction(function (ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
// async_sleep(200)
const bytes = await (await fetch('/asyncfied_by_wasm-opt.wasm')).arrayBuffer()
const { instance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports)
const asyncifiedInstance = asyncify.init(instance.exports.memory, instance, {
wrapExports: ['_start']
const p = asyncifedInstance._start()
console.log(typeof p.then === 'function')
const now = Date.now()
await p
console.log(Date.now() - now >= 200)
- [x] args_get
- [x] args_sizes_get
- [x] environ_get
- [x] environ_sizes_get
- [x] clock_res_get
- [x] clock_time_get
- [ ] ~~fd_advise~~
- [x] fd_allocate
- [x] fd_close
- [x] fd_datasync
- [x] fd_fdstat_get
- [ ] ~~fd_fdstat_set_flags~~
- [x] fd_fdstat_set_rights
- [x] fd_filestat_get
- [x] fd_filestat_set_size
- [x] fd_filestat_set_times
- [x] fd_pread
- [x] fd_prestat_get
- [x] fd_prestat_dir_name
- [x] fd_pwrite
- [x] fd_read
- [x] fd_readdir
- [x] fd_renumber
- [x] fd_seek
- [x] fd_sync
- [x] fd_tell
- [x] fd_write
- [x] path_create_directory
- [x] path_filestat_get
- [x] path_filestat_set_times
- [x] path_link
- [x] path_open
- [x] path_readlink
- [x] path_remove_directory
- [x] path_rename
- [x] path_symlink
- [x] path_unlink_file
- [x] poll_oneoff (timer only)
- [x] proc_exit
- [ ] ~~proc_raise~~
- [x] sched_yield
- [x] random_get
- [ ] ~~sock_recv~~
- [ ] ~~sock_send~~
- [ ] ~~sock_shutdown~~