Use vue composition API with react
Write react in vue way.
npm install @tybys/reactivuety
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tybys/reactivuety/dist/reactivuety.min.js"></script>
Compare with Vue
Markdown example:
<div id="editor">
<textarea :value="input" @input="update"></textarea>
<div v-html="compiledMarkdown"></div>
import { ref, computed, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import * as marked from 'marked'
import * as debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const input = ref('# hello')
const compiledMarkdown = computed(() => marked(input.value))
const update = debounce(function(e) {
input.value = e.target.value;
}, 300)
return { input, compiledMarkdown, update }
Use defineComponent
, the first argument is setup function, which returns a react renden function.
// import ...
import * as React from 'react'
import { defineComponent, ref, computed, Textarea } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent((vueProps) => {
const input = ref('# hello')
const compiledMarkdown = computed(() => ({ __html: marked(input.value) }))
const update = debounce((e) => {
input.value = e.target.value
}, 300)
return (reactProps, ref) => ( // <-- returns a react renden function
// use other react hooks here
<div id="editor">
<Textarea value={input.value} onInput={update} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={compiledMarkdown.value}></div>
No bundler:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/marked/lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tybys/reactivuety/dist/reactivuety.min.js"></script>
(function () {
var defineComponent = reactivuety.defineComponent;
var ref = reactivuety.ref;
var computed = reactivuety.computed;
var Textarea = reactivuety.Textarea;
var h = React.createElement;
var debounce = _.debounce;
var MarkdownView = defineComponent(function (vueProps) {
var input = ref('# hello');
var compiledMarkdown = computed(function () {
return { __html: marked(input.value) };
var update = debounce(function (e) {
input.value = e.target.value;
}, 300);
return function (reactProps, ref) {
// use other react hooks here
return h('div', { id: 'editor' },
h(Textarea, { value: input.value, onInput: update }),
h('div', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: compiledMarkdown.value })
ReactDOM.render(h(MarkdownView), document.body);
Use defineComponent
, the first argument is setup function, which returns an object contains vue reactive objects, the second argument is a react function component render function whose with first argument is the object returned by the setup function.
// import ...
export default defineComponent((vueProps) => {
const input = ref('# hello')
const compiledMarkdown = computed(() => ({ __html: marked(input.value) }))
const update = debounce((e) => {
input.value = e.target.value
}, 300)
return { input, compiledMarkdown, update }
}, (state, reactProps, ref) => (
// use other react hooks here
<div id="editor">
<Textarea value={state.input} onInput={state.update} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={state.compiledMarkdown}></div>
Use useSetup
hook, the first argument is setup function, which returns an object contains vue reactive objects, the second argument is react props.
// import ...
import * as React from 'react'
import { useSetup, ref, computed, Textarea } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default (reactProps) => {
const state = useSetup(
(vueProps) => {
const input = ref('# hello')
const compiledMarkdown = computed(() => ({ __html: marked(input.value) }))
const update = debounce((e) => {
input.value = e.target.value
}, 300)
return { input, compiledMarkdown, update }
reactProps // <-- pass react props
// use other react hooks here
return (
<div id="editor">
<Textarea value={state.input} onInput={state.update} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={state.compiledMarkdown}></div>
Use useSetup
hook, the first argument is setup function, which returns a render function, the second argument is react props.
// import ...
export default (reactProps, refOrContext) => {
const render = useSetup(
(vueProps) => {
const input = ref('# hello')
const compiledMarkdown = computed(() => ({ __html: marked(input.value) }))
const update = debounce((e) => {
input.value = e.target.value
}, 300)
return (reactProps, refOrContext) => (
// use other react hooks here
<div id="editor">
<Textarea value={input.value} onInput={update} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={compiledMarkdown.value}></div>
return render(reactProps, refOrContext)
Other usage
Similar to vue 3.
import { nextTick, ref, defineComponent } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const a = ref('a')
const onClick = () => {
a.value = 'b'
console.log(document.getElementById('a').innerHTML) // a
nextTick(() => {
console.log(document.getElementById('a').innerHTML) // b
return () => (<div id="a" onClick={onClick}>{a.value}</div>)
Similar to vue 3.
import {
} from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
onBeforeMount(() => {})
onBeforeUnmount(() => {})
onBeforeUpdate(() => {})
onErrorCaptured((err, type) => {}) // <-- No instance
onMounted(() => {})
onRenderTracked((e) => {})
onRenderTriggered((e) => {})
onUnmounted(() => {})
onUpdated(() => {})
// ...
Async component
Similar to vue 3. But no suspensible
import { defineAsyncComponent } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
const MyComponent = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./MyComponent'))
const MyComponent2 = defineAsyncComponent({
loader: () => import('./MyComponent'),
delay: 200,
loadingComponent: () => (<MyLoading />),
errorComponent: ({ error }) => (<div>{error?.message}</div>),
timeout: Infinity
onError: (error, retry, fail) => {}
Provide / Inject
Similar to vue 3.
In parent:
import { provide, ref, defineComponent } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const a = ref('')
provide('a', a)
// ...
In children (can be deep):
import { inject, defineComponent } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const a = inject('a')
// ...
Similar to vue 3.
Support <Input>
/ <Select>
/ <Option>
/ <Textarea>
import { defineComponent, ref, Input } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const inputValue = ref('')
return () => (<Input vModel={inputValue} />) // <-- pass ref
be equivalent to
return () => (<Input
value={inputValue.value} // <-- pass value
onInput={(e) => { inputValue.value = e.target.value }}
Also support modifiers: vModel_lazy
/ vModel_number
/ vModel_trim
import { defineComponent, ref, Input } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const inputValue = ref('')
return () => (<Input vModel_lazy={inputValue} />)
/* return () => (
onChange={(e) => { inputValue.value = e.target.value }}
react compatible ref
import { ref, onMounted, defineComponent } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
export default defineComponent(() => {
const a = ref(null)
onMounted(() => {
console.log(a.current) // <div>reactivuety</div>
return () => (<div ref={a}>reactivuety</div>)
setup function is only called once, the first argument is readonly props
setup function can return:
object contains vue reactive object, all of them will be observed if accessed.
render function without props, all accessed reactive objects in the render function will be observed.
lifecycle hooks should be called in setup function.
should be called in setup function.if
is called outside of setup function, it will provide your variable to root.the
event of<Input>
is native, not react's.